02.12.2019 02:46:22 5168x read. INSPIRATION Pope Francis Writes Apostolic Letter ‘Admirabile Signum’ on Meaning and Importance of the Nativity Scene. Pope Francis Writes Apostolic Letter ‘Admirabile Signum’ on Meaning and Importance of the Nativity Scene. In Franciscan Shrine in Greccio, Reminds Christmas Creche Teaches Us to Contemplate Jesus & Experience God’s Love for Us DECEMBER 01, 2019 17:00 DEBORAH CASTELLANO LUBOVPAPAL TEXTS
“Dear brothers and sisters, the Christmas crèche is part of the precious yet demanding process of passing on the faith.” Pope Francis has given this reminder in the Apostolic Letter he has written, titled ‘Admirabile Signum,’ on the meaning and importance of the Nativity Scene. He signed it this afternoon, Dec. 1, 2019, the first Sunday of Advent, in the Franciscan Shrine in Greccio, where St. Francis of Assisi made the first ever Nativity Scene.