GENERAL COUNCIL F.I.C. - Prins Bisschopsingel 22, 6211 JX Maastricht, The Netherlands  Phone: *31 (0) 43 3508373
Wednesday, March 26 2025  - 1 User Online  

17.02.2025 14:13:52 435x read.


We are called first of all through our Baptism to follow Christ as Christians, and missioned to spread the Good News to the World, beginning from our own communities. My call to religious life, and in particular, to the FIC Congregation is a step to further deepen my call in a special way by making myself available to serve first of all my fellow brothers, and beyond that, the rest of humanity for the sake of God's Kingdom. This is made possible by sharing life with fellow brothers in community, sharing the same apostolic vision and living according to the spirit of our founders. So living a true community life therefore becomes the foundation of our encounter with Christ in the breaking of bread and in union with one another, having been nourished by the spirit to go out and manifest the love of God to people in my apostolate.

The FIC Congregation as a family seeks to protect the heritage of our founders wherever we find ourselves and try to promote human development in different ways. Our Commitment and sense of duty in our apostolate transcends ordinary work. We have a sense of being sent by God to carry out a mission. Our mission is none less than that of Jesus Christ. The Nature of Jesus' mission mainly turns its attention towards those who are in situations of greater weakness, and therefore in greater need. These are the target of Jesus' mission and therefore our mission as well. The content of our mission as FIC is spelt out in articles 15 to 18 of our constitutions: First, to continue the work of Jesus, that is to do good, witness to the truth, to serve, to redeem, to bring the liberating message of the kingdom of God to people, and to place ourselves at the service of His kingdom. Secondly, the content of our mission spring from the spirit of our founders, with a focus on our charism. We keep our charism alive by paying respectful attention to our tradition of education, formation and teaching, while keeping an open eye on the signs of our times.

In a more practical way, we wish to have special concern for the poor and destitute, for the underprivileged and disabled, for socially weak and forgotten groups and for those who experience little love. Our mission also entails transfer of faith, mainly done through our institutions: schools, centres of learning and formation. Wherever we are present, we are expected to transmit Jesus' Good News of God's kingdom to the people.   

Our founders were committed people, filled with the spirit of Jesus. They were seized by his person and his message. They sensed a vocation and a mission to spread his Good News. They strongly encouraged the brothers never to lose sight of the poor. The evangelizing mission of Christ  embraced by our founders at the beginning of our Congregation is still relevant in our time, even though the mode of operation may vary.  Human needs vary with the changing world order but word of God will always remain the same. We are using education and teaching as weapons to fight poverty and injustice. We are giving ourselves without reserve to the service of the most disadvantaged people in society,  training future educators and leaders of society, so that they in turn will be committed to eliminating the structures of oppression. By providing education, we are also fighting to overcome hunger, diseases and their causes. There is always the need for people to show the fatherly face of God and the motherly face of the Church, people who spend their lives for others to enable them live dignified lives. The Church  needs people who are willing to  allow themselves to be transformed by God's grace and to conform themselves fully to the Gospel, and those people are we, the religious.

As experienced by many of our brothers, I had my elementary education and vocational training through the FIC brothers.  The zeal and dedication to duty of the brothers motivated me to join the congregation. Since I became a brother in 1993, I have been teaching and working with the youth at parish level. It gives me joy to be able share what I received through my own formation and training.  Currently, I teach in Ndewura Jakpa Senior High Technical School in Damongo (Ghana). Apart from my teaching assignment in the classroom, I also give catechism lessons to Catholic students preparing to receive the sacraments. This is the way I express our mission as a member of the Congregation. But my most important witness to my call as religious is found in my contribution to the apostolic community of which I am part. Mission by nature is best performed as a group, the reason why Jesus called the 12 to assist in His mission; and our founder never tried to do this mission alone. There are fruits to be derived from this corporate mission as pointed out in article 26 of our Constitutions. The support derived from the community and deliberations about the choice of our apostolic activities and how to perform them, are some of the benefits.  We are called together and sent out, thus our apostolic mission should not to be taken privately.

Our Congregation is under the patronage of Mother Mary, thus we give special attention to her. We do not want to forget her role in bringing into being our congregation. Therefore in our daily and communal prayers, we continuously invoke her intercessions.  We try to emulate her faithfulness and her spirit of preference for justice  and righteousness, and more to the point, we try to join her in singing the Magnificat (Luke 1:46-56), her anthem of joy for the achievements of the FIC congregation.



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