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18.12.2018 17:24:58 3655x read.
Let us think Christmas! (by Bro. Augustine Kubdaar, General Superior)


Let us think Christmas!

In many and various ways God spoke of old to our fathers by the prophets; but in these last days he has spoken to us by a Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world. (Heb 1:1-2)


   If I had a little courage I would say the message of Christmas is this simple: In the beginning God had a dream! His dream was about humanity; about how to make humanity happy. The realization of that dream was the giving of the greatest gift to humanity, that is his Son.

Once again the season of Christmas comes around and we are privileged by the mercy of God to witness it. Among all the things we could say about this central event, that is, this special intervention of God in history, is that God pitches his tent with us. Thus we are called upon to reflect as to why God chose to do this. It cannot be doubted that He who created the universe and everything that exists, and sustains them all, could have saved humanity from sin without becoming one with us. In the letter to the Hebrews the writer makes it clear that in times past God had spoken to humanity in varied ways but now has chosen to do so in His Son. That is to say God now speaks to us in a way He has never done before. It means His words more than ever, are definitive and final. God expresses his love most definitively while expecting a response of love from us. In this we see how fortunate and privileged we are who hear the voice of Christ today.

            Secondly, in asking ourselves why God became man when there was no need, we could say truly that it was His choice and it is a mystery to be ponded upon especially during this special period of Advent and Christmas. However it is a choice to our advantage, not His. Therefore as we celebrate his birth, we should have at least these question within our souls: does the birth of God’s Son mean something to me? Is it bearing the fruits that it is meant for? Is Christmas able to let me know what God thinks about me or wishes for me? For how can we forget that after about 2000 years of His definitive intervention, we are still at war with ourselves, with one another, with the rest of creation and even the Creator Himself? How can we forget that upon being shown so much love we still fail to extend it to the least of Christ’s brethren that is the least, the last, the lost and the forgotten of our society? Is it possible that we could forget in this season to invoke the Lord of all things to bring about the kingdom He initiated and bring all strive to an end? Could we ignore the fact that our brethren all over the world are being persecuted for bearing the name of Christ? When the name of Christ is no more honored, we have to remember that it is a sign of our failure. When it becomes easier for us to choose convenience over and against the gospel, our celebration of Christmas is no more than throwing incense at the altar of baal.

            In the crib we see and hear the voice of truth; the truth about humility. God humbles himself to be borne by the work of his hands, the Blessed Mother; a spiritual mother of all Christians; and a special mother of all FIC Brothers who through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit our Founders chose Mother Mary as patroness of our beloved FIC Congregation. In this we see how God is willing to lower himself in order to reach out to us. Is there any more length He needed to go to reach us? We have here the prince of peace who comes to give rest to our troubled souls. The only proper response as I see it is a humble adoration that cries out freely a song of love: our King and All, I love you and want to love you forever and I desire that all people may know and love you too. God becomes one of us that He might do away with sin, show us how to live as future citizens of heaven and enable us actually live up to it. This is the cause and reason for our joy in this season. This is what we must love, believe and hope while wishing and praying for all people to embrace. A great spirit of being ever more grateful to God for his unconditional love for me and others and a desire to radiate God’s love to my neighbor is my Christmas wish to everyone.


Bro. Augustine Kubdaar

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