GENERAL COUNCIL F.I.C. - Prins Bisschopsingel 22, 6211 JX Maastricht, The Netherlands  Phone: *31 (0) 43 3508373
Friday, March 14 2025  - 1 User Online  

18.05.2020 19:03:35 4242x read.
Circular Letter, General Superior FIC, "Everything shall be well soon".

Dear Fellow Brothers and Associates,

From the depth of my heart, I send you all fraternal greetings. I wanted to say hello to you. I realize that with the current state

of the world, you may not have as many visitors stopping by. So, this is me "stopping by" to let you know that you are loved and thought of. And if it were possible, I would give you a great big hug! However, I always ask your Provincial Superior about your welfare. I am grateful to God that you are all safe and still keeping yourselves safe fr o m the infection of the coronavirus. The primary purpose of my letter is to send you greetings, assure you of our growing unity in spirit, and to enc o urage you to have enduring courage and hope in this unusual time.

Any brother who reads this letter owes God a sense of praise and gratitude. The opportunity to read this letter is a sign that you are alive and have not lost your vital senses. Very many are those, who went to bed last night and did not live to see the light of today. As a member of the Union of the General Superiors (USG) I have access to our (USG) newsletter. We share experiences and information particularly about the effects of the COVID-19 on our respective Congregations.



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