03.08.2024 23:27:16 1314x read. INSPIRATION Being an FIC Brother to Others (Bro. Anton Karyadi, Bandungan) Being an FIC Brother to Others (Bro. Anton Karyadi, Bandungan) I was born into a Catholic family and received baptism as a baby, with the name Antonius. From my family, I was given the name Karyadi. My family taught me to go to church. Every Sunday, I joined some children who attended the Eucharistic celebration. At church, I liked and admired the priest leading the Mass. I also often saw some nuns and a religious brother in a white habit attending mass. As a child, I was more attracted to priests. In my teenage years, I devoted myself to serving as an altar boy with dedication. I actively participated in Catholic youth activities within the parish, such as reading during the eucharistic celebrations, joining communal prayers like the Rosary, and group Bible studies. These engagements brought me immense joy and fulfilment. While I was studying at the Pangudi Luhur Sedayu Teacher Traning School (TTS), two Brothers were our teachers: Bros. Yosep Kuat and Yulius. While here, I became increasingly captivated by the Brothers and felt drawn to the idea of joining religious life. My impression of them was that they were intelligent, disciplined, and devout individuals. They served as dedicated teachers who truly cared about their students, making efforts to know each one by name, even in a classroom of around 40 students. They were approachable and often greeted students. Simply put, they lived a life filled with happiness and enthusiasm. The relationship between the Brothers, teachers, and students was very close and motivating. Initially, I had little enthusiasm for attending TTS. My father's insistence led me to enrol in that school, although I had also been accepted to the state high school, which I personally preferred. My father, a humble farmer, desired and wanted me, at all costs, to follow in the footsteps of our elder brothers from the village who graduated from TTS and became teachers. At that time, the president issued a directive for the establishment of nationwide elementary school system to combat illiteracy. As a result, graduates from TTS were highly sought after for employment. I now understand that attending Teacher Training School was not solely driven by my father's wishes; rather, it was guided by a higher power — the will of God. I believe God directed me towards the path of becoming an FIC Brother. In 1981, following my completion of Teacher Training School, I promptly commenced the initial formation process to become an FIC Brother in Muntilan. After three years of initial formation, I was allowed to make my first vows, precisely on the 2nd of July 1984, in Semarang. It was indeed a happy occasion for me that I was accepted as an FIC Brother. Being an FIC Brother means " to be brothers to one another and to all humankind both in receiving and in giving love." (FIC Constitusions, Essential Reflections). Starting from my family of origin, I was raised to be a brother to others. I am grateful that I was blessed to be born to my wonderful parents, Lourentius Dirja Utama and Catarina Kiyem, who loved God, loved each other, loved me, and raised me in a good and faith-filled Catholic home. I come from a humble family of four children, and am the second child. I have an elder brother and two younger sisters. Growing up in this family, I was taught the importance of love and support among siblings. We were encouraged to live harmoniously, helping, accepting, and empathizing with one another, fostering warmth and creating a welcoming environment where everyone felt at home. I am deeply thankful to my family for instilling in me these fundamental virtues, which have shaped my ability to live cooperatively with others.
After taking my first vows, I received an apostolic assignment as a 2nd-grade elementary school teacher and also accompanied boarding children in Ambarawa. I learned to be a brother to the children and fellow teachers. I learned to be a brother to others more widely when I got a study assignment in Yogyakarta. I met various people: fellow students, priests, candidates for priesthood, nuns, and parishioners around my community. Likewise, when I had the opportunity to study in the Philippines, I faced more complex challenges and was blessed with many opportunities. I was challenged to build friendships with people from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds. I realized how amazing brotherhood is. Brotherhood that transcends language and cultural boundaries. I felt accepted by everyone. I was recognized and accepted as their brother. I am deeply grateful for the assistance of others, which has enabled the fulfilment of all my tasks. I am grateful that the FIC Congregation has given me other apostolic tasks that have developed me. I once had the task of being the postulant master. I tried to live up to the spirit of the FIC Brothers. I tried to share all my potential, especially to become a brother to the postulants. I was also once the Provincial Superior of the Indonesian province. My experience taught me how to be a brother according to our FIC Constitution. Being a leader to the brothers and implementing the Chapter Policies and Recommendations was both a challenging and a profound learning experience for me. Likewise, when I was assigned to be the Director of the Roncalli Retreat House, I was challenged to learn to be a brother to others, especially those who adhere to the consecrated life. The apostolic tasks assigned to me by the FIC Congregation really helped me to live my life as an FIC brother. The year 2024 marks a long journey of 40 years of continuous learning to become a true FIC Brother. I experienced ups and downs in my growth. Nevertheless, I feel like I have developed into a brother to others. I tasted the fruits of God's calling to religious life as an FIC Brother. I am hopeful in the promise of the Gospel of Mark 10: 29 - 30, which says,Truly I tell you,” Jesus replied, “no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age: homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields—along with persecutions—and in the age to come, eternal life. Wherever I am sent, I find brothers. I am never alone. I am truly happy to be called an FIC Brother. While I acknowledge that I am still growing as an FIC brother, I am confident that with the grace of God and the unwavering support of my fellow brothers, friends, and family, I am steadily progressing towards fulfilling God's will and my aspirations in life. Now, I realize that the older I get, the less easy it is for me to learn to be a brother to others. I acknowledge that physical and psychological limitations can hinder the establishment of brotherhood. I feel more limited in my ability to manifest love and make others happy. The temptation to fulfil one's own needs, physical health, and mental health can lead to an attitude of only paying attention to oneself. Therefore, I continue to ask God to help me not to become an FIC Brother who only cares about myself. This can destroy the unity of the brotherhood. Hopefully, I can be involved in building a brotherhood of mutual love and happiness wherever I am. I am grateful to the Lord God, who has called and accompanied me as an FIC brother. Thanks to Mother Mary for always protecting, and inspiring me to follow my holy calling. Thanks to my family of origin, who have prepared me to respond to the call of God as an FIC Brother. Thanks to the FIC Congregation, who has accepted, helped and allowed me to live the call as an FIC Brother with joy and full of meaning. Praise be to the merciful God! (Bro. Anton Karyadi celebrates 40 years as FIC Brother in July 2, 2024. He is in Bandungan community |