17.03.2022 18:40:13 6379x read. INMEMORIAM In Deo bro. Ignatius Purwana Surahno, FIC by bro. Michael Sidarta, FIC. In Deo
Ignatius Purwana Surahna
Bro. Purwana
Bro. Purwana was born on 2 January 1939 in
Solo/Surakarta, Indonesia as the first of eight
children. He made his first profession on 8 December
1970. He died on 7 January 2022 in
Semarang, Indonesia.
As a child, Bro. Purwana wanted to be a policeman.
But God led him to a different kind of life.
After completing Pangudi Luhur St. Yosef Surakarta
High School in 1961, he studied Cultural
History at the Sanata Dharma University of Yogyakarta.
Then, after three years as a teacher,
Bro. Purwana felt the call to become a Brother
in FIC. In 1967 he started his first formation. He
made his first vows in 1970, then became a teacher
at SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta. Later,
he was director of the Pangudi Luhur Junior
High School in Wedi, Klaten from 1975.
Bro. Purwana’s apostolate was mainly in
schools, both as a teacher and a manager. Before
he retired, his last job was as director of the
Pangudi Luhur Junior High School in Sukaraja
from 1994 to 1995.
![]() After his retirement, he did household tasks in
his communities in Surakarta, Randusari Semarang,
and Syalom Retreat House in Bandungan.
In 2008, Bro. Purwana joined the community of
elder Brothers of Wisma Bernardus Semarang.
This community prays for the other Brothers
in the congregation. Beside that, he continued
doing household task.
In his old age, Bro. Purwana’s health was often
less stable. He had heart problems and had to
be taken into hospital several times at the Elisabeth
hospital in Semarang. On 20 June 2018,
Bro. Purwana suffered a stroke. He was taken
to the hospital. When he came back home he
could no longer walk. His fellow Brothers in Wisma
Bernardus community helped him to stay
involved in the daily activities of the community
from his wheelchair.
Bro. Ignatius Purwana was a gentle person, caring
for his fellow Brothers. He had been brought
up in the court town of Solo/Surakarta and he
was always very polite and valued good manners.
He had a very good memory and even after
his stroke he always knew the names of all
his fellow Brothers. He truly cared about them.
In the evening of 25 December 2021 Bro. Purwana’s
health condition deteriorated. He had
trouble breathing and he was sent to the hospital
where they put him in intensive care. On
Friday 8 January 2022, a week after his 83rd Birthday,
Bro. Ignatius Purwana Surahna went to
his Father in heaven.
Now rest in perfect Peace dear Bro. Purwana.
We will always remember the care and tenderness
of your heart. Pray for us who remain behind
in this world. DOWNLOAD FILE
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