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17.03.2022 18:35:49 5528x read.
In Deo bro. Henk van Lieshout, FIC by bro. Wim Swuste, FIC.

Henk van Lieshout
Henri Antonius Huberta
By Wim Swüste
Henk was born on 17 December 1933 in Helmond,
the Netherlands. On 15 August 1955,
he made his first vows in FIC. He left us unexpectedly
on 6 February 2022 at Care Home De
Beyart in Maastricht.
“Lord, my heart is not proud,
Nor my eyes raised too high.
Neither do I concern myself with great matters,
Nor with things too profound for me.
All my life is aimed at this:
That joy and peace may be my share.“
These fragments from the Book of Psalms we
heard just now fits in very well with the life of
your relative, our fellow Brother, Henk van Lieshout,
who we are here to see off for the last time.
In him, we lose a sympathetic and sober-living
man. Henk was not the kind to boast about his
efforts for other people or about anything he did.
When a teacher of the law came to Jesus and
asked, what is the greatest commandment, Jesus
answers him that a person must not only
love God, but also his neighbour. “These two
commandments are the most important.”
Henk was a man who quietly sought God and
sought to stay on God’s path. But at the same
time he served his neighbours in all humility and
--The pupils in primary school,
--The students at the teacher training college,
--Caring for his fellow Brothers,
--As a member of local community councils,
--As chairman of the board of the foundation of
our Monastic Care Home De Beyart, looking to
come to a kind policy,
--As a member of the executive committee of De
Beyart, giving attentive care,
--But also as a faithful worker in the copy office
at De Beyart,
--And faithfully and elegantly serving in the
prayer services in our Chapel.
His efforts and work were like a silent force, always
there, never complaining about pains or
ill health. And for all of us, relatives and Brothers,
his going is a great loss. Especially since
his death came as a surprise, in the dark of the
Henk grew up in Helmond. And when he went
to primary school with the Brothers, the Second
World War was just beginning. In sixth form, the
Brother who taught him thought him a good candidate
for the FIC: a very good student, a good
boy from a decent family. Our Brothers had been
working in Helmond from 1880, in the monastery
where our co-founder Bro. Bernardus Hoecken
died that same year while on a visit there.
After discussions between his parents and the
then superior of the house, it was arranged that
he could start at the Juvenate. So in August
1946, Henk went to Zevenaar and after three
years, he moved on to the teacher training college
in Maastricht. He was a good student. After
gaining his papers as a teacher, he was sent to
study Dutch language and literature. He completed
that study in 1970.
In those days it was quite usual for Brothers
to study and go on working at the same time.
Usually, they’d be given a lower form, with less
preparation and correction work required. Henk
was a dedicated and valued teacher, and very
good with the students. In 1995, he applied for
early retirement after 40 years as a teacher.
During the holidays, Henk and fellow Brother
Anton van der Geest would take a fortnight for
holidays. And they’d stick to the vow of poverty,
making day trips on their motorbikes. Bro.
Cichus Damen would make sure the bikes were
well prepared for such trips. And Henk and Anton
would make sure they had a good holiday
without spending much. They’d take dinner in
the kitchen of the Tongerseweg monastery in
Maastricht every evening when they came home.
After his retirement, Henk started on a new
phase in his life. Quite soon, he was asked to be
chairman of the Monastery Care Home Foundation
De Beyart. He chaired the meetings in the
evenings with a firm hand. Issues, once discussed,
would be summarized for the notes. In
this apostolate, Henk would work hard to obtain
the best care for his fellow Brothers and Sisters.
He also arranged for the attics of De Beyart to
be renovated into big apartments and hobby
rooms. There were a clocks workshop and painting
For four years he chaired the committee. Every
Friday morning there were meetings, with Wim
Swüste, Leny Maas, Thomas Bänziger and
Henk. Good care and attention for the inhabitants
of the Care Home, and for the staff, were
his first priority. The four members of the committee
shared one habit: they were all smokers!
After the meeting, the door was opened and the
stairwell filled with white smoke. A bit like the
Vatican announcing a new Pope…
For 25 years and more, Henk was always available
at the copy shop in one of the cellars of De
Beyart. He was always helpful to the aging Sisters
and Brothers coming there for copy work.
He also saw to the printing of prayer service
texts, announcements, lesson materials for the
Icons workshop and so on. In a rather clumsy
manner he was recently told he had to vacate
the copy room, for the creation of a so-called
‘Beyart Café’. That was the one time in his life
when Henk, always moderate, showed indignation:
he got truly angry.
For the Liturgy Group at De Beyart, Henk was
indispensable. Faithful until death, he was an
acolyte in the Mass, read Gospels and prayers
very clearly, and with great care dispensed the
communion wafers to the people in Chapel. He
always did this work in an elegant manner, quiet
and modest.
“Praying is tentatively seeking God in love”, it
says in the Constitutions. Henk has sought God
all his life in this way. He was not a man to show
his piety, but in the silence of his room and in
our chapel he would search his own motives, to
always give better shape to his life as a Brother


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