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20.03.2015 16:38:45 19232x read. INMEMORIAM Decease Dear Brothers, It is our sad duty to inform you about the passing away of Bro. Hein Gilsing on 16 March 2015. The text of the mourning card reads as follows: “Congregation of the Brothers of the Immaculate Conception of Mary 'The souls of the righteous are in the hand of God, no torment can harm them' (Book of Sirach) With sadness we inform you that we have to say goodbye to our dear brother, uncle and dear fellow-brother Brother Hein Gilsing FIC Hendricus Wilhelmus  Hein was born on April 15, 1929 in Eindhoven. At his profession with the Brothers FIC in 1951 he took the religious name Aurelius. On March 16, 2015 he died at De Beyart, shortly after having been admitted to hospital, where he previously had also received the anointing of the sick. Hein was born in a large catholic family of 10 children. Following his great-uncle Gualbertus and uncle Bertinus, he chose for the brotherhood. He was trained as a tailor at the vocational school of the brothers. In 1962 he was sent out to strengthen the mission in Chile, where he would stay for 45 years. A country he embraced in his heart and he often remembered with nostalgia. Because of a stroke early 2001, he was forced to return to De Beyart. Despite his disability he remained cheerful and a satisfied person. De Beyart liked him and he really appreciated the loving care he received there. Hein was a striking brother whom we will miss very much. We are comforted by the thought that he now resides in the love of the Lord. We say goodbye to Hein in the Eucharistic celebration on Saturday, March 21 in the chapel of De Beyart, starting at 14:30 pm. After that, the burial ceremony will take place at our the FIC graveyard near the Anjoulaan in Maastricht. The evening's Vigil will take place on Friday, March 20th, starting at 17.30 pm in the chapel of De Beyart. On behalf of the FIC Congregation and the community 'Xaverius': Brother Kees Gordijn, Provincial Superior Brusselsestraat 38, 6211 PG Maastricht on behalf of the family: Family Gilsing Jachtheuvel 15, 5685 AW Best. ” So far the mourning card. For a photograph of Bro. Hein we refer you to the attachment. May Bro. Hein now rest in perfect peace.