18.09.2015 18:00:27 17439x read. INMEMORIAM Decease Bro. Silvio Zimmerman. Dear Brothers,
It is our sad duty to inform you about the passing away of Bro. Sivio Zimmerman on 17 September 2015.
The text of the mourning card reads as follows:
"Congregation of the Brothers of the Immaculate Conception of Mary
To keep the tenderness is the secret of the strength, R. Tagore
We inform you that in the peace of God's presence our dear family member, confrere and friend has passed away
Brother Silvio Zimmerman FIC
Otto Cornelis Antonius Dyonisius Silvio was born on June 14, 1931 in Rotterdam. On August 15, 1956 he made his vows in our Congregation. He died in peace on Thursday September 17, 2015 at De Beyart in Maastricht, after having received the Anointing of the Sick.
Eighty-four years we could have a precious human among us: in the privacy of the family Zimmerman, as a brother teacher in The Netherlands, as a member and final responsible in our juvenate in Miranda de Ebro in Spain, as a teacher and provincial superior in Chile and as a beloved member of the community in Rotterdam and in the Ludovicus community in Maastricht.
In all these places he leaves behind a trace of goodness, keen interest and we can certainly say, even tenderness. It is not surprising that a man with such a rich character could fulfill his apostolic mission in a vulnerable positions as superior: local, regional or nationwide. He was a man, who was able to contact and bind people with gentleness and genuine compassion. Painfully slowly his light of life extinguished. He really suffered from this, but managed to carry it in faith. We will miss in Silvio a precious person in our family and community of brothers.
We say goodbye to Bro. Silvio in the Eucharistic celebration on Monday, September 21 in the chapel of De Beyart, starting at 14:30.
After that, the burial ceremony will take place at our monastery cemetery near the Anjoulaan in Maastricht.
The evening vigil will take place on Sunday, September 20, starting at 17:30 in the chapel of De Beyart.
On behalf of the FIC Congregation and the community Ludovicus:
Brother Kees Gordijn, Provincial Superior
Brusselsestraat 38, 6211 PG Maastricht
On behalf of the family:
Dhr. Robbert-Jan Zimmerman
Duizendschoon 46
3344 AL Hendrik Ido Ambacht
So far the mourning card.
May Bro. Silvio rest in perfect peace. |