20.09.2020 16:41:48 5972x read. INDONESIA SPEECH GENERAL SUPERIOR 20TH SEPTEMBER, 2020. SPEECH GENERAL SUPERIOR 20TH SEPTEMBER, 2020. Your Grace Mgr. Robertus Rubiyatmoko, Archbishops Semarang, Dear Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, and you my fellow Brothers, Permit me to begin this address by expressing my deepest gratitude to God for the gift of our vocation (the Consecrated life) and the gift of our congregation to Mother Church. On behalf of all the brothers in the congregation and especially the members of the General Council I am pleased to send hearty congratulations to you who have gathered to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the apostolic presence and witness of the Brothers FIC in Indonesia. This is a most glorious jubilee not only for you the Indonesian brothers but also for the entire FIC congregation and for the local church of Indonesia. Brief History It is important to note that we are not only celebrating the climax of a 100 years journey but the GENEROSITY and LOVE of God for us and the people of Indonesia. This noble intention of God began as a mere IDEA in the mind of the then Jesuit priests who had earlier worked among the indigenous people in Java. They invited the Brothers FIC to come and collaborate with them in the field of educating young people. In furtherance to this noble IDEA, Bro. Bertholdus the then Superior General of the FIC Congregation sent five Dutch brothers: August, Lebuinus, Eufrasius, Constantius, and Ivo to begin the first FIC mission outside the Netherlands. These brothers came to spread the Good News in word and deed and to give form to the Kingdom of God (FIC Cons. No. 19). They arrived at Batavia harbour (Jakarta) on 19 September 1920, and were welcomed by Fr. van Lith.
Development of the Mission I am reliably informed that the ideals and mission of our congregation have grown in leaps and bounds and in different directions in Indonesia. The total numbers of Indonesia Brothers as at now (not included Novices and postulants) is 127. Only one Dutch brother is still working and living in Indonesia: Br. Wilhelm Leensen. You constitute more than 50% of the total membership of the Congregation. The province now can count as many as 25 communities which are well spread over in 6 Dioceses. The province is blessed with the largest human resources and apostolic ventures in the congregation. Following the good example of the then Dutch province you have also missioned some of your brothers to other provinces: two in Chile, two in Malawi, and three in The Netherlands among which two of them serve in the General leadership (General Council) of the congregation. For many years, you been highly recognized by the church and the general population as one providing high quality education. Many of you are playing significant roles at the diocesan and even at the national level. The apostolic projects of the Province are organized under two foundations, namely: Pangudi Luhur Foundation which takes care of school apostolate and Budi Mulya Semarang Foundation for the non-school apostolate.
Gratitude to God, to you fellow brothers and our collaborators Over the years, and with good collaboration with others the brothers have given credible apostolic witness with steadfast love, dedication, and compassion especially to the youth, the poor, the needy and other vulnerable people in your society. The Lord gifted the province with good leadership over the years, hence the tremendous fruits which we enjoy and celebrate today. Brothers, you have also enjoyed the providential care of God, God’s protection and guidance over the years. Your response to the signs of the times and the needs of the church as faithful servants of God deserve commendation. Emulating the good examples of the then Dutch Province, your province extended its apostolic witness beyond the borders of Indonesia to Timor Leste. Dear Brothers, you have all done your utmost best in keeping and living according to the ideals of the congregation. God is aware of every sacrifice you made for the building of his Kingdom. Our founders Msgr. Louis Rutten and Bro. Bernardus Hoecken are pleased with the diligent and faithful ways in which you continue to build on the foundation of our mission that they laid in the year 1840. And while you await the blessings of God now and in the future, I humbly express on behalf of all the brothers our gratitude to each one of you. Dear Brothers, after hundred years of faithful ministry you “are now surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses” (Heb 12: 1). Truly you “have fought the good fight;” … and you “have kept the faith” (2Timothy 4:7). We congratulate you and pray for God continuous blessings for you and all your collaborators. However, following the admonition of St. Paul who says “As for you, dear brothers, never get tired of doing good” (2Thessalonians 3:13), I encourage you to keep on persevering in brotherly love among yourselves and service to the people entrusted to your pastoral care while fixing your eyes on Jesus, the pioneer, and perfecter of faith (Heb 12: 1.2). For service to God and mankind is the secret of eternal life. Relevant questions forconsideration now and in the future Dear friends, if all we do in a day, in a month, and even in hundred years is not done with a spirit of love for God and His people on earth then it is work done in vain. Celebrating a centenary jubilee is an opportune time to look back in history and see what you have been able to accomplish with the grace of God and your collaborators. It is also important to look toward the future with courage and determination; optimism and hope while trusting in the grace of God. Therefore, as the “firstborn province” and especially facing the reality of the “dying” situation of “the father” (The Netherlands Brothers) you need to assume the role of mentorship, and giving good examples to the younger provinces. How do you which to do this? What will you do to sustain the spirit of internationality of our “FIC Family?” These are relevant questions that the present and successive leadership of your province need to give serious thoughts to. Conclusion Dear friends and fellow Brothers, I know that as a human society you have faced many challenges in the past with courageous faith, resilience, hope and patience. Following the footsteps of our dear founders: Msgr. Louis Rutten and Bro. Bernardus Hoecken, you have completely abandoned your own will to doing the will of God. I assure you of my prayers as you give thanks for the past and hope to remain steadfast in joyful hope for the future. May the God of all goodness who blessed the past also bless the present and the future. May Mother Mary, patroness of our congregation continue to intercede for you. May each of you receive the gift of renewed zeal and energy in the service of the kingdom of God. I earnestly pray that each brother will never cease thirsting for God and His righteousness. May you experience each day as a wonder and a gift from God and for God. And may you embrace life with its ups and downs and still maintain your optimism in this noble vocation. Thank you. Bro. Augustine Kubdaar General Superior. |