09.11.2024 13:02:02 1332x read. INDONESIA Second Day of Indonesian Provincial Chapter (By Bro. Michael Sidarta) Second Day of Indonesian Provincial Chapter The second day of the Indonesian Provincial Chapter began with the second phase of the process of the election of the Provincial Superior. The participants were divided into four groups. Each group was asked to determine three names of brothers nominated to be Provincial Superior. After all the groups decided on the three names of the brothers nominated as Provincial Superior, the nominated names were presented to the floor. Bro. F.A. Dwiyatno as Chapter Director asked the brothers whose names were nominated as Provincial Superior. The nominated brothers' answers were considered by the chapter participants to conduct the following process of electing the Provincial Superior. The next stage of the Provincial Council election process was to determine the two Provincial Council dream teams. The participants again discussed this in groups, and each formed two dream teams. The next step was for each group to present their two dream teams. From the presentation of the results of this discussion, the names of the brothers nominated to become Provincial Council members were obtained. Then Bro. F.A. Dwiyatno asked the brothers nominated to be members of the Provincial Council if they were willing to be elected as members of the Provincial Council for the period 2024 - 2030. The answers from the brothers nominated to be members of the Provincial Council are taken into consideration for the following election process. After the break, the brothers discussed the chapter proposal on Governance and Spirituality - Community Life. All participants were actively involved in providing notes and input. The process of discussing the proposals went well. We hope that in the end good proposals will be formulated that will significantly help the Provincial Council for 2024 - 2030 in carrying out its duties. The final agenda for the second day of the chapter was to formulate one dream team for the Provincial Council. Chapter participants returned to group discussions. The composition of the discussion groups was different from the previous discussion groups. At the end of the discussion, each group presented their dream team for the Provincial Council. This presentation helped the participants better understand the names of the brothers who are expected to be members of the next Provincial Council. The second day of the chapter process ended with prayer. We are grateful that it went well, and the participants expressed their thoughts well. We felt the help of the Holy Spirit during this chapter process. |