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08.11.2024 15:47:11 1254x read.
Report day one of Session IV of Indonesia Provincial FIC Chapter (Bro. Michael Sidarta)

Report day one of Session IV of Indonesia Provincial FIC Chapter (Bro. Michael Sidarta)

Today, Thursday, November 7, 2024, we started session IV of the Indonesian Provincial FIC Chapter held at Syalom Retreat House, Bandungan, Ambarawa. This is the last session of our chapter. This fourth session will end on Sunday, November 10, 2024.

The fourth session opened with the Eucharist at 5 pm. The Eucharist was conducted by Fr. Ignatius Budiono OCarm, who also moderated our chapter. The Gospel read at the Eucharist was the story of the lost sheep (Luke 15:1-10). The message of the Gospel inspired the fourth session of our chapter. The message of the Gospel was about the joy of finding something lost.

We hope that the participants experienced joy during the chapter. The joy comes from rediscovering the things that are important and valuable in our lives. We hope that at the end of the fourth session of the chapter, there will be decisions and recommendations that will help us manage our congregation.

An essential part of the fourth session is electing the Provincial Council for 2024-2030. Inspired by today's Gospel, we hope to find brothers who will serve our congregation with an open heart.

The agenda of the first day was relatively quiet. After the opening Eucharist of the fourth session, the participants received general information about the process during the fourth session of the chapter. Bro. F.A. Dwiyatno, as the Chapter Director, emphasised the importance of this fourth session. We will make important decisions for the life of the FIC Congregation in the Indonesian Province for the next six years. Therefore, the participants must do their best. The participants should also be more effective and efficient in their discussions during the deliberation process. 


After dinner, the participants were given time to study the chapter documents. With a better understanding of the materials, the discussion process to determine the recommendations and decisions of the chapter will occur well and effectively.

In general, the atmosphere was relaxed and friendly. Hopefully, much fruit will come out of this chapter.


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