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15.01.2021 16:03:14 5891x read.
Marking 100th anniversary FIC in Indonesia.

Marking 100th anniversary FIC in Indonesia.

This year (2020), Indonesia marked one hundred years of FIC presence in the province. The planning committee for the 100th anniversary celebration came out with a line-up of activities, which may be put in three categories, namely Spiritual, social/charitable and educational activities. It would be recalled that on September 20, 2019, Indonesia province launched the 100th anniversary celebration of the arrival of the first FIC brothers in Indonesia under the theme "Gratitude 100 Years of FIC Mission in Indonesia - Building Brotherhood and Apostolate". This official opening was marked in a Eucharistic celebration led by Mgr. Blasius Pujaraharja, Bishop Emeritus of Ketapang diocese.

A number of spiritual activities were accomplished under category one, namely novenas and thanksgiving prayer services. Since the launching of the Jubilee anniversary in September last year, the commission for strengthening the Spirituality of the brothers have provided communities with materials for monthly novenas and reflection, in line with the theme of the celebration. Communities used these materials for their daily communal prayer, based on their own flexibility. Each community expressed their gratitude to God, in their own way, for the anniversary by praying around a certain theme based on the situation of the community and its surrounding.

As part of the social/charitable activities to mark the anniversary, Budi Mulya Semarang foundation launched a scholarship program to provide temporary scholarship for 100 needy students. Until July 2020, 63 students in Semarang have benefitted. They are now reaching out to our students in Kalimantan and Sumatera. Distributing basic necessities to families (including those of our fellow brothers) in Java and outside Java, and families of our co-workers, has been going on as part of the social intervention during the covid-19 pandemic. More than 1000 parcels of food and drinks have been distributed to families.

The brothers have also distributed Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to some private hospitals and polyclinics in Semarang to support the fight against the pandemic. The brothers in Kampung Sawah community (Jakarta), in collaboration with Sisters of Amersfoort, distributed facemasks and other PPEs to some polyclinics in East Java. Similar activities were also carried out in various places where FIC communities are located, among others, Jogjakarta, Giriwoyo, Wonogiri and Ketapang.

The educational activities include a number of publications, made by the brothers themselves. They include a) Publication of a history book entitled “100 years of FIC Growth and Fruitfulness in Indonesia”. b) Internal FIC Magazine on the testimony of some brothers featuring how they develop and maintain their identity as FIC Brothers. c) An interview with about 24 FIC Brothers and 3 lay people on the theme “The Light on my Path”. They made short videos during the interview and uploaded on FIC YouTube channel. d) “Bianglala Magazine” covering testimonies of FIC co-workers and friends, entitled “FIC Friends, 100 years FIC presence in Indonesia”.

The brothers have since concluded the celebration on 20th September 2020. This took place in the hall of Pangudi Luhur Don Bosko Senior High School in Semarang. The first activity was a seminar with the theme “Tracing the Mystical Experience of our Founders” facilitated by Bro. Petrus Suparyanto. This was followed by a Eucharistic celebration and book launching. The Archbishop of Semarang archdiocese, Msgr. Robertus Rubiyatmoko presided over the Eucharist. About 100 brothers and guests attended.


The brothers had to concur with the reality that due to the corona virus pandemic, it was necessary to postpone or even cancel some activities that involve large gathering of people. Nevertheless, they were able to carry out a number of meaningful and useful activities to mark the anniversary. We pray that, through these activities, we may remain faithful to God and love others based on the values and spirituality of the Congregation. God is love and God calls us to love Him and our fellow men and women, by "being good and doing good" and giving special attention to the poor and needy.

Bro. Theodorus Suwaryanto

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