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22.01.2024 17:44:13 1448x read.
Indonesian Provincial Pre-Chapter, Roncalli-Salatiga, 29-31 December 2023

Indonesian Provincial Pre-Chapter

Roncalli-Salatiga, 29-31 December 2023

Pre-Chapter is a preparation for the Chapter which will be held in four sessions, two sessions before the General Chapter and two sessions after the General Chapter. The pre-chapter has been held at the Roncali Retreat House, Salatiga on December 29-31, 2023. Some of the matters discussed during the Chapters include: 1) Report of the Ad-Hoc Committee of the Chapter in charge of assisting the Provincial Council in conducting elections for chapter members, and also collecting proposals at the Provincial Chapter; 2) expressions of feelings and expressions of willingness of the members of the Provincial Chapter; 3) topics and proposals; 4) Establishing of committees and their job-descriptions; and 5) The date and the agendas for the Provincial Chapter.


The theme of the Indonesia Provincial Chapter is "In the Spirit of Brotherhood Actualizing the Identity of Brothers FIC in Accordance with the Times". May this theme inspires and moves the brothers to truly listen and carry out God's will. Growing in brotherhood and together as brothers actualize themselves as truly FIC brothers in response to the call of the times.

The four session of the Provincial Chapter to be held are as follows:

Session 1

5th – 8th March 2024, at Rocalli Retreat House, agenda: Provincial Council Report, Provincial Financial Statements, Understanding and deepening the proposal of the Provincial Chapter, and Election of Delegates to the General Chapter.

Session 2

13th – 16th June 2024, at Syalom Retreat House, agenda: Discussion of Provincial Council Reports, Discussion of Provincial Financial Statements, Deepening of topics, Briefing of the General Chapter.

Session 3

1st – 4th October 2024, at Rocalli Retreat House, agenda: Socialization of General Chapter results, Sharing of Provincial Councils, General Chapter Resolutions, Provincial Council election process 2024-2030.

Session 4

7th – 10th November 2024, at Syalom Retreat House, agenda: 2024-2030 Provincial Council Elections, Message from the Indonesian Provincial Chapter, Recommendations and Policies of the Provincial Chapter, and Chapter Closing.

The Indonesian province also formulated the "Chapter Prayer" which is prayed by brothers in each community at times of joint and private prayer. The prayer is expected to encourage the involvement of each brother involved in the chapter process which is important for life and work together. Prayers will be prepared by the prayer committee and immediately distributed to communities.

The members of the provincial chapter felt that their election as chapter members was an experience of God Himself, He who called and sent would give them strength. In general, they surrender to divine providence while doing their best as a form of responsibility that has been entrusted to them for the benefit of the congregation and the province. In this pre-chapter session, various committees were also formed, including: 10 Agenda Committees, Drafting Committees, Financial Verification Committees, Liturgical Committees and others. May the next congregations run smoothly and can truly be a means of listening to God's will in vocations and missions today.

Publication Committee of the Indonesian Provincial Chapter,

abstracted by Br. Theodorus Suwariyanto (Deputy General Superior).

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