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27.05.2023 16:16:04 2233x read.
Disease of dear late Bro. Thomas Edison (Late post)

Dear Brothers, 
It is our sad duty to inform you about the passing away of Bro. Thomas Edison, who died on May 22, 2023 in Semarang, Indonesia.

He was born in Maumere (Flores Island) on December 25, 1964, as child of the late Mr. Yulius and Mrs. Antonia Dika. Brother Thomas is the seventh child out of eight siblings. Brother Thomas underwent his postulancy period from 1989 to 1990 and Noviciate from 1990 to 1992.  He made his first profession on 2nd July 1992 and his perpetual profession on 2nd July 1998. 

During his life as a Brother of the FIC, he has carried out several mission assignments for the Congregation as follows: from 1992 to 1995, he served as a mentor for the children at St. Louis Ambarawa Dormitory; from 1995 to 1999, he pursued studies at AMA Salatiga; from 1999 to 2007, he held the position of Director at Santa Maria Boro Weaving Center; from 2007 to 2008, he underwent preparations and spiritual deepening for his missionary assignment in Malawi; and from 2008 until the present, he has been serving as a missionary in Malawi, Africa. 

Brother Thomas Edison is a friendly person. He easily mingles with anyone. God has bestowed upon him the ability to speak foreign languages. He is skilled in communicating in English. During his service in Malawi - Africa, Brother Thomas is proficient in the local language, Chichewa. By mastering Chichewa, combined with his simplicity of life and hospitality, Brother Thomas is readily embraced by the Malawian community where he is assigned. 

His enthusiasm to become a missionary outside of Indonesia burned brightly. During the period of 1994-2000, when the Provincial Superior openly offered the opportunity to the Brothers who were willing to be assigned to Chile, Brother Thomas promptly responded to the offer by sending a letter to the Provincial Council expressing his willingness to be sent to Chile. However, his longing to become a missionary abroad was only fulfilled in 2008 when the Malawi province needed his service there. 

Brother Thomas's friendly and humble personality made it easy for him to blend in with the people he served in the mission land of Malawi quickly. His final task in Malawi was a pre-novice master. His passion to be a formator was immense. This is evidenced by his loyalty and diligence in mentoring the candidate’s Brothers in Malawi. 

In Malawi, four years ago, Brother Thomas experienced a mild stroke, which resulted in a slight impairment in his physical activities. Nonetheless, Brother Thomas remained enthusiastic in carrying out his mission as a mentor to the aspiring Brothers of the FIC in Malawi. Additionally, he continued to empower himself by attending religious life courses in Nairobi, Kenya. 

On Saturday, January 21, 2023, Brother Thomas Edison arrived in Jakarta after his long journey from Malawi, Africa. Then, on Friday, January 27, 2023, together with his family residing in Jakarta, he departed to his hometown in Maumere to attend the ordination of his brother as a Carmelite priest (O.Carm). On Friday, February 3, 2023, Brother Thomas returned to Semarang to begin his health recovery and deepen his spiritual life. 

From March 12 to May 21, 2023, Brother Thomas Edison participated in the Medior Religious Course program at Rumah Khalwat Roncalli - Salatiga. The accompanying Brothers stated that despite his limitations, Brother Thomas was able to participate in the course effectively. A few days before the course ended, Brother Thomas's health condition deteriorated. This condition persisted until he returned to the Provincialate Community in Semarang. He experienced physical weakness, accompanied by a decrease in appetite for food and drink. 

On Sunday, May 21, 2023, at 10:00 AM, Brother Thomas sought the assistance of Brother Yohanes Sugiyono to accompany him for a medical examination at Elisabeth Hospital in Semarang. During the examination at the Emergency Department, Brother Thomas's health, especially his heart condition, worsened. On Monday May 22, 2023, at exactly 12:10 PM, God called Brother Thomas Edison back into His embrace. 

For a photograph of Bro. Thomas we refer to the attachment.
May he rest in perfect peace.

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