23.06.2020 21:05:34 5987x read. INDONESIA Desease Brother Matheus Sukirjan FIC It is our sad duty to inform you about the passing away of Bro. Matheus Sukirjan on June 22, 2020.
'Let me enter the place of rest and peace that is called by your name.' H. Oosterhuis
He was born on April 12, 1937 in Boro Gunung, Kulonprogo, Jogjakarta (Indonesia). On July 2, 1964, he made his vows in the FIC Congregation. He passed away on June 22, 2020 in St. Elisabeth Hospital in Semarang (Indonesia). Bro. Matheus Sukirjan was a committed person who strives to dedicate his whole life to serve God and humanity. He was a man of faith. He had a profound devotion to Mary as well as to the Divine Mercy. His love for Mary taught him to be a humble, modest, kind and compassionate FIC brother. Wherever the Congregation sent him, he always strongly believed that it was because Mother Mary who sent him to go. Therefore, inspired by her, his self sacrifice and obedience is commendable. He had also a special devotion to the Divine Mercy. Especially after his retirement, he set up his time to pray the Divine Mercy rosary and to contemplate on it every day faithfully. His devotion was a source of his joy which radiates through his smiling face. He is really a man of prayer. He was very generous to do the spiritual exercises following the daily schedule of the community, even beyond that. He has his own spiritual exercises agenda which he did with a great devotion. He liked to pray not only for himself but also for others, known or unknown, especially those who suffer. So often, he expressed his concern for the whole world in his prayer intention. He loved his vocation as Brother FIC, which became a strong foundation of his apostolate wherever the Congregation sent him. Filled by the servant spirit of Mother Mary, he loved to do his apostolate mostly in domestic matter. Either he worked in the community or in the school as a house keeper, a local treasurer, or a boarding staff, he always carried out his duties wholeheartedly and happily. In him, we found a fellow brother who had done simple works but in a great love. Bro. Matheus was a person who loved reading. He liked to read magazine, news paper, spiritual book, and surely our internal province magazine. A testimony came from a brother that he can read a thick book only in some weeks. He has courage to learn by reading. The personality of Bro. Matheus helped him relate with many people easily. With his smiling face and respectful attitude, he was able to establish contact with man and woman, young and old, from all kind of life’s background without any difficulty. Also with his fellow brothers, he treated them equally and associated with them as they are. Thank God for the gift of his life to the Congregation and his dedication to the people he served so well. In Bro. Matheus, we have lost a devoted fellow brother who stayed true to his mission as a "brother of prayer and an example of simplicity". He will always be in our heart. We will miss him. May he receive his deserved eternal rest after such a blessed life. Bro. Matheus, thank you for your immense obedience to our Congregation.
The funeral service of Bro. Matheus Sukirjan takes place on Tuesday June 23th. |