18.01.2021 16:33:14 6553x read. INDONESIA Desease Brother Martinus Sariya Giri FIC. Dear Brothers, It is our sad duty to inform you about the passing away of Bro. Martinus Sariya Giri on January 16, 2020. BRO. MARTINUS SARIYA GIRI FIC He was born on November 12, 1969 in Giri Sonta (Indonesia). On July 2, 1992, he made his vows in the FIC Congregation. He passed away because of a stroke on January 16, 2021 in Elisabeth Hospital in Semarang, Indonesia. On Sunday January 17, 2021, he was buried at our cemetery in Ambarawa.
Bro. Martinus Sariya Giri has dedicated his life to serve God and humanity by teaching in schools (SD, SMU, SMP, SMA) in various places like Semarang, Ketapang, Muntilan, Wedi, Balik Papan, Yogyakarta and Surakarta. In most schools he has been headmaster. We thank God for his dedication and the gift of his life to the Congregation and the people he served. For a photograph of Bro. Martinus we refer you to the attachment. May he rest in perfect peace.