07.03.2022 18:58:31 5554x read. INDONESIA Desease Brother dear Late Bro. Yohanes Budi Suyanto Dear Brothers, It is our sad duty to inform you about the passing away of Bro. Yohanes Budi Suyanto, who died on March 3, 2022.
Brother Yohanes FIC Budi Suyanto
Bro. Yohanes Budi was born on August 19, 1949 in Boro, Kalibawang, Kulonprogo (Indonesia). He entered the Postulate in 1970. His Canonical Novitiate started on December 22, 1971. He pronounced his first profession on December 8, 1973 and his perpetual profession on July 2, 1981. The requiem Mass was held in Ambarawa's Brothers' Chapel on March 4, 2022 and afterwards the funeral took place at the FIC cemetery in Ambarawa. Bro. Budi was a talented carpenter. He was involved in building construction, agriculture, animal husbandry, and farmer assistance. Brother Budi lived his vocation in a unique way. He is very proud of his experience of being involved with the farmers in Sedayu. Empowerment of farmers and youth development are his interests. Brother Budi sets high standards for what is wanted and done. The buildings he works on are always of high quality, sturdy and strong. Even for his brothers, especially for the younger brothers, he always emphasized that the brothers have high character and quality. In that fact we feel his longing to experience a quality life transformation. In 2021 Bro. Budi began to feel his physical condition was not good. He felt his stomach acid increase. After checking with a doctor at Elisabeth Hospital, Semarang, it was also known that his liver and heart function were not optimal. In January 2022 Bro. Budi felt his body condition getting weaker. He began to get restless with his condition that continued to weaken.
(Funeral Mass at the the chapel of FIC Community in Ambarawa) On Monday, February 21, 2022, the mental state of Bro. Budi was not stable. He was so restless and terrified. So the brothers brought Bro. Budi to Elisabeth Hospital, Semarang for a check. That day Bro. Budi started undergoing intensive treatment at the Hospital. Bro. Budi's health condition continued to deteriorate on Wednesday afternoon, March 2, 2022. Being aware of Bro. Budi's weak condition, Bro. Anton Sumardi looked after Bro. Budi from Wednesday night to Thursday morning March 3, 2022. At 06.00 am Bro. Budi passed away. Hopefully now after all the hopes, longings, and struggles of Bro. Budi he will experience a quality life filled with God's love. For a photograph of Bro. Yohanes Budi Suyanto we refer to the attachment. May he rest in perfect peace. |