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Wednesday, February 5 2025  - 1 User Online  

16.08.2021 17:48:27 6203x read.
Desease Brother dear late Bro. Wilhelm Leensen.

Dear Brothers,


It is our sad duty to inform you about the passing away of Brother Wilhelm Leensen on August 13, 2021.


Brother Wilhelm Leensen  FIC 

Wilhelmus Paulus Martinus


He was borne on 22 April 1945 in Hasselt (Overijsel, Netherlands).

He made his first profession on 15 August 1964.

On 13 August 2021 his Creator called him to eternal life in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.


After his first profession in 1964 Bro. Wilhelm has been working as a tailor in The Netherlands. In 1971 he became a missionary in Indonesia, where he took up his tailorship, first in Bara and afterwards at the Institute for the Deaf in Wonosobo. In 1985 he went to Muntilan to teach at the technical school. It was also in Muntilan that he started social work and tried to get people employed. In this apostolate he has meant a lot for many persons.



On Monday 9 August 2021, Bro. Wilhelm was tested Covid-19-positive. After being in his room for some days his situation quickly deteriorated and on Friday 13 August he was brought by ambulance to the hospital in Yogyakarta, where he received the sacrament of the sick. The Covid-19 virus has attacked the heart and lungs of Bro. Wilhelm. On that same day in the evening God called Bro. Wilhelm and that is where his pilgrimage on earth ended. Because Bro. Wilhelm died from being infected by Covid-19 he had to be buried according to the protocol set by the Indonesian government. Concretely this meant that he had to be buried that some night at the FIC cemetery in Ambarawa.


For a photograph of Bro. Wilhelm we refer to the attachment.

May he rest in the peace of the Lord.

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