GENERAL COUNCIL F.I.C. - Prins Bisschopsingel 22, 6211 JX Maastricht, The Netherlands  Phone: *31 (0) 43 3508373
Wednesday, October 16 2024  - 1 User Online  

04.10.2024 14:01:37 100x read.
Day Three Report of the Third Session Provincial Chapter.

Day Three 

The third day of the Indonesian Provincial Chapter began with a Eucharistic celebration. On this third day, the brothers asked God's grace for the entire chapter process.

The agenda of the third day was to discuss proposals of spirituality and community life, and proposal of apostolate. The morning session until the tea break was used to discuss the proposals of spirituality and community life. Then after coffee break we discussed proposals of apostolate until the evening.

The discussion on the proposal of apostolate took a long time. We shared ideas and information related to the themes of the proposals discussed. The dynamics of such an active discussion of the apostolate shows the commitment of the brothers to realize the best apostolate. In this process, we were also helped to learn the concrete reality experience in doing their apostolate at this time.

We are grateful that the dynamics of the third day of the chapter went well. Although the themes discussed were complex and serious, the brothers showed consistency and remained focused. We hope that this atmosphere reflects the commitment and enthusiasm of the brothers to be involved in the management and governance of the congregation.

In the evening session, we had small groups discussion to talk about the criteria for the next Provincial Council. This is part of the election process for electing the Provincial Council 2024-2030. With this discussion, we shared ideas and listened to expectations for the future Provincial Council. We are grateful that the whole process of the third day of the chapter went well.

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