25.01.2024 15:51:23 1972x read. GHANA UPDATE FROM THE PROVINCIAL CHAPTER PROCEDING, GHANA UPDATE FROM THE PROVINCIAL CHAPTER PROCEDING, GHANA Brethren, if there is an encouragement in Christ, any incentive of love, ……. complete my joy by the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and in one mind. Do nothing from selfishness or conceit. But in humility, count …. not only your own interest but also the interest of others (Phil 2:1-11). We started the day’s activities with a prayer service led by the liturgy group. The prayer service sought to help us further delf into the theme of the Chapter “Deepening our Religious Identity as Brothers FIC in the 21st Century”. The central sources of the message for our reflection were taken from Article 69 of our constitutions – “The most fundamental Rule of our Life”, Psalm 85 and the above paraphrased text. Aside the spiritual nourishment which opened the day, delegates recongregated in the St. Louis Community conference hall at 8:30am to continue with the Chapter’s deliberations. First on the floor was a group reports on joys and challenges in the Ghana Province. The session was done in an atmosphere of fraternal love. Delegates took time to critique and discussed some pertinent issues that were raised. Having delt with the groups reporting, the Provincial Council’s report which covered the period of 21st November 2018 – 31st December 2023 was presented to the Chapter by the Provincial Superior. Delegates were given the chance to express their general impression on the report. Among others included, “the report was a true reflection of the Province”, “the Provincial Council deserved commendation for its hardwork”. “the report did covered all key aspects of our life”. In accordance with the Chapter procedures, the Provencial Superior moved for the acceptance of the report as a Chapter document and the motion was seconded. Following this was groups discussion session on the report. The three groupings diligently spent the rest of the morning session to discuss the report. During the evening plenary session, the various groups presented their observations. Highlights of the points raised included the team work of the Provincial Council irrespective of their differences, the effort made to implement the 2018 Chapter Resolutions, the PC should continue to invest in human resource development, just to mention a few. The day’s proceedings was brought to closed with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 6:00pm. Write-up by Clovis Baaka 23rd January, 2024 |