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25.09.2018 07:57:11 9793x read.
Third session of FIC Provincial Chapter Ghana Province, Day One.

THIRD SESSION OF FIC PROVINCIAL CHAPTER, GHANA PROVINCE DATE: SEPTEMBER 23RD 2018 VENUE: ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY CONFERENCE HALL - WA. THEME: “DEEPENING OUR APOSTOLIC MISSION THROUGH PRAYER AND COMMUNITY LIFE” DAY ONE REPORT The session opened with a prayer service led by Bro Isidore Aabeisie on behalf of the liturgy committee. The Provincial Superior presented his opening address to the House after which he introduced practical matters and the agenda for the coming days as follows: 1. Timetable: The PS led the House through the timetable. It was unanimously adopted. 2. Agenda: The membership of the agenda committee remained the same as in the previous chapter. 3. Discussion Groups: The PS led delegates through the group list and told them where to meet for discussions when the need arises. 4. Information: The PS welcomed to the House Bros Clovis Baaka and Didas Toogumo who replaced Bros Augustine Kubdaar and Peter Kuuniabom respectively. Bro Augustine Kubdaar got elected as General Superior of the Congregation hence lost his membership to the chapter. Bro Peter Kuuniabom also wrote to absent himself because he had started an academic programme at GIMPA in Accra. The evening session closed at 9: 20pm. Brothers moved to the St. Louis community hall for recreation. By Brs Iranius Nimbare & Kuu-Ireme S. Godwin

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