21.04.2015 03:50:40 3346x read. GHANA The Temporary Professed Brothers Weekend, Ghana Province. A WRITE-UP ON THE TEMPORARY PROFESSED BROTHERS WEEKEND, GHANA PROVINCE.
DATE: 10TH-11TH APRIL 2015.
DIRECTOR: Brother Fabian kuupille. FACILITATOR: Bro. Patrick Binneh
PARTICIPANTS: Brothers: Irenius Nimbare, Aaron Nee-eru, John Bosco Miilu, Francis Sarfo, Joseph Kyoore, Linus Delle, Alexander Koomson, Nimoriuos Ganee and Fidelis Gyiireh.
This particular weekend of the young professed Brothers was unique in several ways. First, the FIC Constitutional Review Committee member who is also the Vice Provincial Superior of the Ghana Province was the facilitator; secondly all the young Brothers including those studying were present and thirdly the reflection was entirely on the Constitution. As described by the speaker the “Constitution is the embodiment of the Congregation”, therefore it behooves every Brother, especially young professed to be conversant with its content. Participants were told that the General Council resolution 9 tasked a committee to write a reflection on the Constitution to drum home its importance and to make it clearer and more understandable. According to the facilitator the Constitution said little about community life and prayer, it however emphasizes on apostolate, towing the path of the Vincentian Spirituality thus, option for the poor and the needy. Mary, the facilitator stressed, is the sole patroness of the FIC Congregation but not St. Vincent De Paul.
The speaker challenged the young professed Brothers to be grounded in the structures of the Congregation and take the Constitution as their second Bible.
Brother Fabian Kuupille challenged the young professed Brothers to use the opportunity offered them to revisit the Constitution to enrich their knowledge on the ideals and Charism of our founders.
The Provincial superior (Br. Seregious Dery) was grateful to all participants for availing themselves for the session which he described as very important because the entire reflections and discussions were centered on the FIC Constitution. He was also happy to interact with the young Brothers for the second time since his assumption of office as Provincial Superior. He offered the young professed Brothers the following advises:
• Participate actively in community activities so as to grow fully into it.
• Take good care of your health; periodic check is important.
• Be available for any leadership position if it is within your capacity.
• Make constructive criticisms about your leaders and offer suggestions.
The young Brothers expressed their appreciation to the Provincial Council for their growing interest in the Brothers’ welfare and for their continuous support to young Brothers in various ways.
Recorded by Br. Fidelis Gyiireh |