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16.11.2021 15:46:58 5959x read.
PROVINCIAL CONFERENCE (day two, by Br. Irenius Nimbare)




15th November, 2021 in St Louis Community, Wa, Upper West Region, Ghana, West Africa

The write-up for day two of the conference is based on the Provincial Council’s Report and the audited accounts of the FIC Ghana Province from 2018 to 2021. The purpose of the write-up is informational.

To the glory of God and the sanctification of his people, the second day of the conference was graced with the Holy Eucharist presided over by Rev. Fr. Nichodemus Uunezume of Wa Diocese with the liturgy of the songs and reading animated by St. Louis Community. Refreshed with the Word and the Body of our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, members were prepared for the heavy day ahead of them.


In a very cool atmosphere, the first session of the day began at 8:30am with a prayer led by Br. Felicio Gyeyir after which the Provincial Superior extended warm words of welcome to members at the conference. He informed them of the availability of Br. Didas Tuugomo as substitute of Br. Cosmas Kanmwaa. The Provincial explained that Br.  Lambert Batogbee, the first substituted, was already engaged in an official assignment and was unable to make it for the conference at such a short notice.  It was agreed that the Provincial Council could present their report to the house while they await the arrival of Br. Didas. The Provincial Superior on behalf of his councilors gave a synopsis of the Provincial Council’s Report to delegates of the Provincial Conference, 2021. Having corrected few typographical errors, the report was accepted by the PC and opened to the house for sub-group discussions.  It was at this point the house happily welcomed Br. Didas to the conference 2021.

Having sat for a while, the house went on a short break and reconvened to listen to a PowerPoint presentation on the audited accounts of FIC Ghana Province from 2018 to 2021 by Mr. Peter Latuo of Diligence Consult. The presentation was interactive and educative. It ended at 11:46am. On behalf of the house, Br. Henry lauded the astute auditor for his elaborate and explicit presentation. He further extended warm words of gratitude to Mr. Latuo and Diligence Consult for doing due diligence to the report. The house accepted the audited accounts spanning half of the term of office of the Provincial Council-2018-2024 and in that spirit the auditor was dispatched.

However, for further deliberation on the report, the house constituted a Financial Verification Committee comprising Brs. Gracious Sangber Dery, Hans van Wuowen, Henry Surnye and Didas Tuugomo. With that, the morning session was closed and members went for lunch.

The second session saw members in their groups at 3:30pm discussing the PC report. This part of the conference ended with vespers led by Mount Zion Community at 6:00pm. Generally, one can conclude that the day was well spent. The environment was warm and cordial though the groups could not complete discussions on the report. We thank all brothers, associated members and all well-wishers for taking keen interest in the proceedings of the Conference-2021. Thank you.

Compiled by Br. Irenius Nimbare, FIC

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