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31.05.2014 00:02:02 5744x read.
News from Ghana


Theme: The challenges in living the vow of obedience in the 21st century.

Date: 16th-18th may, 2014.

Venue: St. Louis library, Wa.

Coordinator: Brother Fabian Kuupile

Facilitator: Bro. Fabian Bezel.


Except Brothers Joseph Kyoore and Irenius Nimbare who were in school, the following were present: Brothers Bosco Miilu, Francis Sarfo, Aaron Neeiru, George Segtub, Nimorious Ganee, and Fidelis Gyiireh.


Brother George Segtub read Article 66 of the FIC Constitution as part of the opening prayer.

In his welcome address the coordinator of TPB Rev Bro. Fabian Kuupile was grateful to participants for prioritizing this family gathering.



The speaker delivered a speech on the topic: “The challenges in living the vow of obedience in the 21st Century.”

He said Obedience, from a Latin word “obau-diere” which means to listen intently, to open one’s ears,to heed in practice.” Obedience is an attitude of attentiveness and responsiveness to the call. There are three levels of obedience: Physiological, Social and Rational. In Religious Obedience, the main objective of the vow of obedience is to be in the fullest possible union with the will of God. The effect of the vow is to incorporate all that the religious does into the search for and living out of God’s will in which consist all holiness. Psychologists point out that the vow of obedience is better lived to its perfection by religious who have reached a certain degree of personal maturity and integrity. They assert that the vow of obedience is meant for the strong, those who can control, master and direct their will; people who can use their judgment with objectivity and prudence. They noted that; the weak – willed, the submissive, those who cannot owe and make options, and those who cannot take responsibility over their decisions will have difficulty living the vow of obedience.


Some models of obedience are: Jesus Christ (Jn 4:34, 5:30, and 6:38), The Blessed Virgin Mary (Lk 1:26 ff). CHALLENGESOF OBEDIENCE: Vertical approach; in the past superiors were seen as people holding the place of God and to obey them was to be obedient to the will of God. Superiors were authoritative in their leadership and lord it over people. The results are legalism, rigidity, manipulation, mistrust, dictatorship. CURRENT PERCEPTION: Following the second Vatican council, 1965 which among other things called for a radical transformation of consecrated life. Authority in religious life is perceived now to be horizontal instead of vertical. The new vision of religious obedience therefore emphasizes on Dialogue, equality, co-responsibility among others.

The speaker ended with an inspiring prayer for all religious on the vow of obedience.


Questions for group work

1. What are the current issues and challenges on Religious obedience and how will you response to these challenges?

2. What is your personal view of religious Obedience?

After the open forum with the Provincial superior, a spirit filled and inspiring prayer service prepared by Brothers Nimorious and Fidelis was held in St. Louis chapel to close the two day encounter; this was followed by a memorable recreation at ISTC Relax. Members of St. Louis community were present to grace the occasion. Brothers departed the next day for their various communities.

Compiled By Brothers Fidelis and Nimorious.



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