03.01.2015 07:16:29 4366x read. GHANA News from Ghana, December 2014. CIRCULAR LETTER No. 12/2014/07
Please accept greetings from the Provincial’s office, Wa. It is our hope and prayer that this circular letter finds you all still doing fine in your respective communities and apostolates at this particular time as we celebrate Christmas in a few days time. This circular letter is aimed at updating you with information of relevance in the life of the Province since the last issue of circular letter.
The funeral rites and burial of our late brother - Bro. Nicholas Zumanaa came off successfully on 21St - 22Nd November, 2014 at St. Louis Community - Wa. It was well attended by many people from all walks of life. Admittedly, all those who were actively involved in the funeral planning and organization would have taken a sigh of relief when it was all over. The PC is grateful to all the brothers who in different ways helped to make this event happen successfully. On 22Nd November, a memorial service was also held at Wahwiller in The Netherlands for the late Bro. Nicholas. Accordingly, the attendance there too was very impressive.
We feel very much indebted in gratitude to the Bishop of Wa Diocese - Most Rev. Paul Bemile and his brother Bishops of the Northern Ecclesiastical Province of Ghana, Provincial/Major Superiors of various religious congregations, Priests and Religious, the entire Kondaa Yiree especially the Tampah-Pulee of Nadowli, the Staff, students, old boys and PTA of Nandom Secondary School, friends and well wishers of FIC and friends of the late Bro. Nicholas who in diverse ways supported us to give a befitting funeral and burial to our late brother.
3.1 Following the end of 2-year contract of Bro. Francis Sarfo - Manager of FIC Bernardus Building Enterprise, Bro. Fabian Bezel has been appointed as the new Manager for 2years. This appointment takes effect from 1St January, 2015 and expires on 31St December, 2017. It is expected that the exiting Manager does diligent handing over to the incoming manager in the presence of the Board Chairman and the PC representative to the Board.
While we thank Bro. Francis for the contribution he made to the FIC Bernardus Building Enterprise for the past 2years, we also hope that the new Manager would work assiduously to overcome the challenges that have bedeviled the establishment over the years so as to give it new orientation.
4.1 Though Bro. John Bosco Miilu had been asked to move to Tumu on transfer in July, 2014, his formal transfer could not be effected until 1St October, 2014. This delay in his formal transfer was due to bottle necks encountered in getting release from GES to move to his new station.
P O Box 229, Wa, Ghana.
Tel/Fax: +233 (0) 3920 22 424 or (0)392021143 E-mail: [email protected]
4.2 Bro. Felicio Timyang Gyeyir has successful completed his 2-year M.Ed. studies in Counseling Psychology at Catholic University of East Africa- Kenya. He returned home on 5Th October, 2014 and has since the beginning of December, 2014, taken up a teaching appointment at the Nusrat Jahan Ahamadiyya College of Education - Wa. As a result, he has been transferred from St. Vincent De Paul Community - Tamale to St. Louis Community – Wa, effective 1St. December, 2014. He will at the same time, help out in St. Louis Education Complex as child welfare coordinator.
4.3 Bro. George Segtub in September, 2014, requested the Provincial Council for indult of departure. Following due process (article 113 of our constitutions and article 9 and 28.04 of our Congregational Statute (Can. 688.2 and 692)) his request was granted by the General Council. He has since 15Th November, 2014, left his community to start a new life after a resettlement package had been given him. The Provincial Council on behalf of the Brothers, is grateful to George for the contributions made to FIC through his community and apostolate over the past 4years.
Recent communication reaching me from Bro. Methodius in Yambio - South Sudan, indicates that, he is still keeping fit and coping with the myriads of apostolic challenges that confronts them there daily. As part of his routine medical checkups, he was in Kenya from 3Rd - 18Th December, 2014 to see his doctor, refill his medication and also have a break. According to him, all went well with him. He has since 18Th December, returned to his base station - Yambio.
6.1 Brothers studying abroad:
Bro. Augustine Kubdaar has recently communicated. He is fine and doing well in life and with his studies at the United States International University (USIU) of Nairobi – Kenya.
6.2 Brothers Studying locally – Continuing students:
Bros. Anacletus Tinper, Fabian Bezel and Godwin S. Kuuireme have recently folded up their Masters in Education studies at the University of Education – Winneba, Kumasi. In the same string, Bro. Joachim Naah has registered for his graduation in MA. in Development Studies at the University of Cape Coast. He hopes to graduate in January, 2015.
All other brother students on full time studies are currently home in their respective communities for Christmas and New Year break. Those brothers on sandwich studies unfortunately for them, have to spent Christmas and the New Year in school. We wish them well them and hope that those studying together same institutions would find time in their own way to collectively celebrate Christmas and the New Year.
6.3 Prospective new local students for 2015:
By the end of September, 2015, five brothers are expected to have completed their studies both locally and abroad. This hopefully will pave way for other brothers who have been on the waiting list to also take their turn. For the 2015/16 academic year, five brothers have received approval from the PC to undertake various fields of studies at the university level.
In earlier circular letters, tentative handing over scheduled dates for the new building projects in St. Louis community were communicated to you. Unfortunately, the Contractor has not been able to meet these deadlines, resulting in overdue delays in the handing over the projects. Construction works on the Nandom Jubilee School started off with vim initially, but like the St. Louis projects, have stalled over the past months. Reasons accounting for these unexpected delays in all these project are best known to the contractor alone.
Bro. Remy Nyukorong will be in Ghana from 27Th December, 2014 to March, 2015. The reason for this visit is to collect data for his PhD dissertation. During his stay in Ghana according him, he will be shuttling between Accra and Wa, as most of his research participants are located in Kumasi, Accra, Tema and Takoradi areas. Based on this, he would be spending some days with the brothers in the following communities: Accra, St. Louis, Kaleo and Provincial House, at various times. Dear Bro. Remy, you are most welcome back home. Though it is a working visit, we hope you will find time to rest with your fellow brothers, relatives and friends.
9.1 For purposes of advanced planning and proper coordination, the following committees have been setup for the 2014 FIC Provincial day. During this celebration special attention will be given to Bros. Fabian Kuupille and Godfrey A. Naa-Tampah in thanks giving to God for graces bestowed on them in the past 25years as professed brothers.
Assignment brief
Bro. Felicio T. Gyeyir
Bro. Fidelis Gyiireh
Bro. Peter Kuuniabom
Provide accommodation for brothers from distant communities. Carry out any other related assignment that maybe required of them.
Food and drinks
Bro. Godwin Kuuireme
Bro. Fabian Bezel
Bro. Conrad Nakuma
Present a budget for consideration. The committee has the prerogative to decide on the kind of food to be served. Carry out any other related assignment that maybe required of them.
Bro. Isidore N. Aabeisie
Bro. Alpitio Kog
Bro. Aaron Nee-eru
Bro. Stephen Bangnabayi
Prepare the liturgy for the Eucharistic celebration (select readings, songs, prepare and print the programme for the celebration). Carryout any other related assignment that maybe required of them.
Bros. Severious B. Sentu
Aaron Nee-eru, Joseph Kyoore
Responsible for decoration of the venue for the celebration and the banquet hall.
Bros. Irenius, Godwin, and Joseph Kyoore.
Responsible for planning and organizing games for the day.
Bros. Martin, Fidelis Gyiire and Nimorious D. Ganee
Responsible for planning the entertainment, announcements and all that is expected of MCs at such FIC celebrations.
9.2 Structure of 2014 Provincial Day:
This year, the celebration of our Provincial Day will talk a different dimension. The usual recollection is replaced with a health take on nutrition, diet, regenerative health, chronic diseases and their prevention. For this reason, we encourage all brothers to endeavour to participate and profit from the advent recollections organized either at their Parish/Diocesan levels.
As the day will be marked by many events, we hope all brothers would make conscious effort to attend without excuses and also be punctual. The programme outline for the day is as follows: 8:45am - 9:00 am → Short prayer service; 9:00am - 10:00 am →Health talk;10:00am - 10:30am → Short break; 10:30am - 11:30am → Our investment projects and the way forward; 11:30am -1:00pm → Year 2015 budget/information from ConCon 2014, study policy, PC-LC meeting and short report on the just ended FIC spiritual journey; 1:00pm - 3:30pm →Lunch break; 3:30pm - 5:00pm → Games; 6:00pm - 7:00pm →Eucharistic celebration and followed by supper; 8:30pm → Family feast/social evening.
Mr. Cletus Saanuu and Collins Aserbire Atariwa-am reported on 10Th October, 2014 at St. Vincent De Paul Community - Tamale to start their year-long Pre-novitiate. Formal entry took place on 15Th October, 2014 in a prayer service presided over by the Vice Provincial Superior - Bro. Patrick Binneh. In attendance at the ceremony were the Aspirancy Coordinator and a score of Religious from nearby Communities in the area. Cletus and Collins have since settled down to life in their new community and are progressing steadily in their search to authenticate their vocation. We wish them well, happiness and success in all their endeavours.
It would be recalled that the Bros. Alpitio Kog, Amatus Taalo, Didas Toogumo, Martin Balangtaa and Fidelis Gyiire embarked on this spiritual journey on 8th February, 2014 under the leadership of Bro. Albert Ketelaars. For about 8 months, they were actively engaged in variety of personal/collective spiritual exercises around specially prepared reflective resources all aimed at making them agile for the oasis stage. Thanks to the efforts of Bro. Guido Sukarman - the overall Coordinator of the programme who made these reflective resources available to participants in all the five provinces of the congregation.
On 13Th November, 2014 the five brothers from Ghana left for Maastricht after going through hiccups and anxious visa application processes at the Dutch embassy in Accra. Thanks to the intervention and facilitating roles played by people like Bro. Martin Bouw and Bro. Albert Ketelaars that finally made it possible for our brothers to be issued with visas at a time, that from all indications, it was virtually impossible to get visas issued.
On 18Th November, all the participants from the five provinces gathered at Wahwiller to share their experiences as well as harvest the fruits of their long journey. We want to trust that indeed, it was an enriching experience that left each of them with indelible imprints that will show forth in the way each of them will carry on their lives after Oasis experience. The Ghanaian participants have since Sunday, 21St December, 2014 returned home.
The 2012 General Chapter asked the present General Council to conscientiously explore ways of formulating a reflective document that will help enrich understanding of our Constitutions (proposal 10A). It is hoped that this kind of reflective document will promote a common spirituality among our candidates and brothers and also serve as knowledge-based material in the formation of the brothers.
At ConCon 2013, an idea of constituting an international working committed to carry out this assignment was sold and unanimously supported. Each Province is to be represented on this committee. Late Bro. Nicholas Zumanaa was originally, chosen to represent Ghana Province. However, following his demise, we have had to fall on Bro. Patrick Binneh to replace him. He is scheduled to leave for Indonesia on 6Th January, 2015 and will return on 29Th January, 2015.
The first meeting of the committee will take place from 12Th-18Th January 2015, in Semarang, Indonesia. This first meeting will be facilitated by an expert in reflective writings. Till the end of 2015, each committee member will be assigned to write reflections on some articles of our Constitutions. In doing their assignments, they are expected to involve the brothers of their respective Provinces. The work of the committee members will be compiled at the end of year 2015 and examined at ConCon 2016 then followed by the phase 2 of the exercise in 2016 and 2017. It is hoped that, by the close of 2017 the Committee members would have been ready to come together to fine tune and finalize the document.
From 3Rd - 4Th December, 2014 Bro. John Bosco Bongnea - the Diocesan Health Executive Secretary was in Paris at the invitation of Welcomeurope to participate in a training seminar on "how to obtain funds from international cooperation" organized by Europaid. In another development, he has been invited by a friend - Wayne Dunn to visit Mill Bay, Canada for his holidays. He hopes to leave for Canada on 5Th January, 2014 and would return by 31St January, 2015. We wish Bro. Bosco a fruitful and refreshing holidays out there.
Mr. Franciscus G. M. Kleinpenning is the younger brother of the late Bro. John Kleinpenning who died in Ghana in December, 1998. He is visiting Ghana from 10TH December, 2014 - 7th January, 2015. The sole purpose of this visit is to afford him the opportunity to visit the Brothers FIC as well as the grave of his late Brother. A prayer service under the theme "celebration of life" was organised and lead by Bro. Albert Ketelaars at the Brothers cemetery in commemoration of our deceased brothers and also afford Frans, the opportunity to fulfil his cardinal mission of his visit to Ghana. Talking about the event, Bro. Albert has the following to say:
"On Wednesday evening, 17th December 2014, brothers from the Provincial House, Kaleo and St. Louis Communities came together at the FIC cemetery to commemorate our late brother John Kleinpenning, who on this date 16 years ago passed on. We did so, because of the visit of his junior brother Frans, whose wife, Marijke, passed on in 2013. Upon this Frans expressed the wish to visit the grave of his senior brother John to give these deeply penetrating human experiences a permanent place in his life.
We had a simple prayer-service at the cemetery during which Frans expressed some of his and his family's feelings towards the experience of death in their family. He did so by laying a wreath on the grave of his brother John, as well as putting a heart on the grave's cross prepared by his sister Hermine. He also lit a candle at the special request of his sister Jose - one of our associated members in The Hague FIC community.
Before this, Albert in his introduction commemorated all 7 brothers resting in the cemetery, thanking them for their loyalty to the FIC ideal, each in his particular way with his own specific talents. That thought should fill us with great gratitude for what they meant as expressed in our Constitutions art. 117, where it says: "Gratitude may add lustre to our lives; gratitude for our being human, for our being Christians, for our being religious."
This is the kind of gratitude we expressed for each of them and through which Frans felt very happy. He expressed this by saying: "This celebration has added a new dimension in my life - I have found peace of heart here". We celebrated this peace by sharing the evening meal together
during which we strongly felt being one family together".
In September, 2014, Bro. Aloysius Dabuo Porekuu left Ghana for Chile through The Netherlands
where he joined his counterparts from the other Provinces. So soon, their 3 months of orientation
visit has almost come to an end. He will return to the Netherlands on 31St December and hopes to
be in Ghana on 10th January, 2014.
In November, 2013, the Union of Superiors General-Men held their 82Nd General Assembly in
Rome. At the end of this assembly, they had an audience with Pope Francis. It was at the end of
this interactive meeting that the Pontiff announced year 2015 to be a year dedicated to consecrated
life. The theme chosen for this celebration is, “Wake up the World with Testimonies of Faith,
Holiness and hope”.
The Conference of Major Superiors, Ghana (CMSG), has planned lined up of activities to mark the
yearlong celebration. The celebration is expected to assume various dimensions; ranging from
local celebrations at Parish levels, through to Diocesan, Zonal and National level for the climax.
The launch would be on 2nd February, 2015 and the climax would be on 23Rd January, 2016 in
Kumasi at the St. Peter’s Cathedral.
By this medium, we wish to encourage all brothers to endeavour to take part in this celebration as
far as possible where ever you are.
For some time now, the PC has been in search for suitable Brother Candidates to understudy the
Directors/Managers of PEPS-C and CAS for eventual takeover. Unfortunately, all brothers
consulted in respect of this need declined to accept the challenge of job offer. Left with no choice,
the PC has decided to open up its search for possible successors to all the Brothers of the Province.
Any Brother who wishes to himself to help out either at CAS or PEPS-C should please apply to
the Provincial Council for consideration or personally contact the Provincial Superior for a
discussion on the matter.
It is our hope that the information contained in this circular letter provides sufficient information to
keep you posted with what is alive in the province. We wish to thank you all for the cooperation
and understanding accorded us in the discharge of our duties this year. We encourage you to
continue in your individual and collective ways to intensify in your efforts to keep your apostolates
running in the best way possible in-spite of the many challenges that confronts you daily. May the
Lord who calls and missions, continue to bless each of us in our apostolic efforts and communal
We wish you all a Merry Christmas and above a prosperous New Year.
Br. Seregeous Dery
Provincial Superior
(On behalf of the Provincial Council) |