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P O Box 229, Wa, Ghana

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CIRCULAR LETTER No. 07/2014/06



Please accept greetings from the Provincial’s office, Wa. It is our hope and prayer that this circular letter finds you all still doing fine in your respective communities and apostolates. This circular letter is aimed at updating you with information of relevance in the life of the Province since the last issue of circular letter.


Bro. Patrick Binneh has recently been appointed by the Arch Diocese of Tamale as Manager of the Catholic Guest House in Tamale. His contract is for a maximum of 3years renewable.

Following Bro. Nicholas Zumanaa’ official retirement at 60 from GES on 28Th March, 2014; the Diocese of Wa asked for his helping hand in the establishment of the McCoy College of Education due to start at Nadowli come September, 2014. For now, Bro. Nicholas is asked to assist Rev. Fr. Peter Paul Yelletuo in the preparatory procedures for the smooth take off of the College. We wish Bro. Nico, success in his post retirement apostolate.

Bro. Aloysius Porekuu also on 21st June, 2014 retired from active service with GES. Prior to this, he was one of the three Ghanaian brothers who had asked to be considered for the 3months orientation visit to Chile. His request was approved by the General Council and he is expected to be in The Netherlands by the 1st week of September so as to process his visa application for Chile. Together with Bro. Andrew Makocho from Malawi Province and 2 other brothers from Indonesia, they hope to leave The Netherlands for Chile by 30th September, 2014. We wish Bro. Aloysius, success in all his visa applications and also an enriching experience in Chile. It is also our hope that this visit would be an enriching experience for our Chilean Brothers and may open new doors of further hope for them.

Godwin Saabekone Kuuiremeh: Following the transfer of the Headmaster of St. Louis Education Complex (Bro. Isidore N. Aabeisie) to Nandom in view of the start of the FIC Jubilee School in Nandom, come September, 2015; Bro. Godwin has been appointed as the new and 2nd Headmaster of St. Louis Education Complex – Wa. This appointment is for 3 years and effective from 1St September, 2014. We wish Bro. Godwin our spiritual and moral support in this challenging assignment.


Text messages reaching us from Bro. Methodius in South Sudan – Yambio, indicates that he is still as fit as a fiddle and coping with the demands of his apostolate. From 27th June – 7th July, 2014 he was in Kenya for his annual retreat at Mwangaza Retreat Centre. Thereafter, he stayed for 10 more days in Kenya for his routine medical review at the Mater Hospital. According to him, the Doctor was happy with his lab tests results and that all seem to be well with him. He has since 18th July, returned to Yambio.


Brothers studying abroad: Felicio T. Gyeyir and Augustine Kubdaar. Information reaching us suggest that they are fine and doing well in life and with their studies. Felicio is almost at the end of his two year M.Ed. Counseling Psychology studies. He is expected back home by the middle of September, 2014.

Brothers Studying locally – Continuing students

All brothers on full-time study have returned to their respective communities on holidays except Bro. Joseph Kyore who started his level 100 a semester late, is finishing up his academic arrears so as to qualify him for level 200 in August, 2014 at the Catholic University College of Ghana. Whilst we wish him success in this crash studies, we hope he does not over work himself.

Brothers on sandwich/distance Degree programmes have since June returned to school. In the meantime, Bros Clovis Baaka and Lambert D. Batogbee have since May/June, 2014 completed their undergraduate studies in B.Ed. Basic Education–Technical option and BSc. Mechanical Engineering respectively. We congratulate them for the successful studies. Other Brother students expected to have completed their studies not later than November, 2014 are Anacletus, Godwin and Fabian Bezel. These brothers are in their final semester of Master Degree studies at the University of Education Winneba – Kumasi Campus. In all 6 brothers studying either locally or abroad are expected to complete their studies this year to pave way for others on the waiting list.

New Students studying locally:

This year, another group of Brothers have joined the academic studies wagon for various sandwich Master of Arts Degree programmes at the University of Education Winneba – Kumasi Campus. They are Bros: Severious B.T. Sentu, Stephen Bangnabayi and Hypolyte Dun-Dery. While Bros. Severious and Stephen are pursuing Educational Leadership, Hypolyte on his part has taken up Technology Education in Wood Science. They are all expected to have completed by the close of November, 2015.

At the undergraduate level, Bros. Aaron Nee-eru and John Bosco Miilo have also gained admission into the University of Education Winneba – Kumasi Campus for a 4 year sandwich programme in BSc. Construction Technology. In all, 6 brothers so far have gained admission for further studies this year. One other brother has attended interview for a sandwich undergraduate course at KNUST and is awaiting admission.


As reported in the last circular letter, Bros Hans van Wouwen and Albert Ketelaars left for home leave on 29Th April and 5Th May respectively. We are happy to report again that Bro. Hans has since 1st July, 2014 returned to Ghana after having had a well-deserved home leave in the Netherlands. Bro Albert on his part hopes to return to Ghana by 25Th August. He is currently receiving medical attention for some ailments and hopes to be ok by the time of his scheduled return.

By this medium, we wish to reiterate that all indigenous FIC Brother by a policy enacted by the previous Provincial Council is entitled to a month leave annually. As a new PC, we have not departed from this policy. With the exception of the month of December, brothers can have their leave in any of the rest of the months in the year after having had proper arrangement/permission from their places of work and Local Councils.


The GC in collaboration with the current General Treasurer organized a workshop for the Provincial Treasurers in June 2014 in The Netherlands. This took place from Monday, 2nd June to Friday, 13 June, 2014. Bros. Clement Nangpiire our Provincial Treasurer and Joseph Kyoore participated in this workshop. The main goals of the proposed workshop was to build the capacity of Provincial Treasurers (technically and administratively) around their scope of responsibilities and to enable them adjust if necessary, their own financial administrative procedures as well as help Provincial Councils to carry out your financial responsibility within the province. The workshop was characterized by practical activities blended with theory given by experts in the specific field. Below is a report by Bro, Clement Nangpiire:

“The FIC Provincial Treasurers workshop took place in Maastricht-The Netherlands. In all eight brothers participated, two from Ghana, two from Indonesia, two from Malawi, one from the Netherlands and one from Chile. The workshop began with the sharing of joys, challenges and expectations from the various Provincial Treasurers.

During the sessions, participants were trained in basic Bookkeeping, some concepts in financial reporting and financial statements. We delved into technical issues concerning investments and pay offs, the risks involved in investment and asset classes and their various risks. We looked at some important considerations on investments such as risks tolerance and income needs among others. The importance of diversification of our investments was also highlighted.

Bonds as a contract certificate of debt made up of coupons and principals which are payable on future date was also discussed in detailed. We looked at the characteristics of bonds, types of bonds, grades and returns, the risks involved and their yields over the years. The participants were  also taken through investing in equity shares and their likely returns. The equity investment possibilities and very crucial issues to consider before selecting shares were discussed as well.

We were also taken through the philosophy of sustainable Investment processes, policies and analysis for companies and countries/ Governments. Long term sustainability issues/trends and the importance of continuous monitoring of sustainability policies were also discussed.

The participants went through the financial report (the Income Statement and the financial position) of the General Council/Treasury for the year ended December, 2013. This gave us an insight as to what is expected from us as treasurers in preparing our financial reports. Participants also studied the theory and practice of the exact accounting software and the financial administration manual prepared by the General Council. Project proposal writing and its rules was also briefly practiced.

Accounting for Third Party Money (TPM) which has been very problematic in all the Provinces and also at the General Treasurer’s level was also discussed at length. The issue of beneficiaries harassing Provincial Treasurers for Third Party Money (TPM) and wanting higher rates were highlighted. It was agreed that if beneficiaries are not satisfied with rates given, they could opt to deal with Western Union Money Transfer. The charts of accounts from the various Provinces were looked at critically. We subsequently discussed the spirituality of finances, cash flow planning and money transfers.

We also delved into the ‘almighty’ self-reliance issues. Prominent among what we discussed were: Cost reduction, cost avoidance and generating enough local resources to support the living of the brothers. It came to light that, we need to maintain our buildings and look for other ways of buying our cars in order to reduce cost. We need to establish income generation ventures and also increase the number of years we use our vehicles in order to reduce/manage costs.

Resolutions at the end of the workshop

1) Administration and Finance Manual: We resolve to work with this manual if the General Council would consider the suggestions we made on 6th June 2014.

2) Budgeting and Reporting Models: We will try to work with the model but we should allow for some exceptions particularly on the model on community running costs.

3) The Used of Exact Accounting Software: The time is not yet ripe to implement the exact software in all the provinces. Moreover a lot of training will be needed

4) Third Party Money Reporting: We resolve to give accurate reports on TPM

5) Self-Reliance Drive in Provinces: We support the idea of the self- Reliance drive in all the provinces.

6) Workshop For Local Bursars: There is the need to organize workshop for community bursars”



The year 2014 Congregational Conference (ConCon) will take place in Malawi Province from 19Th August – 29Th August, 2014. The Provincial Superiors and the General Council are all expected to attend. The content of this conference would include among others, sharing of joys/worries, a look at how each province is fairing with the implementation of their respective 2012 provincial and general chapter resolutions. The others are: planning for the 2015 General Conference in Ghana, impending Congregational Jubilee Celebrations, our finances and many more.

During the period, I (Bro. Seregeous Dery) would be absent from Ghana, Bro. Patrick Benneh – The Vice Provincial Superior, would fully take charge of the administration of the Province. It is my hope that Brothers would accord him the needed co-operation and support to enable him carry out his duties.  


This year the first TPBs weekend took place from 16th – 18th May, 2014 at St. Louis Community under the guidance of Bro Philaviano F. Kuupille. The theme for the weekend encounter was: “the challenges of the vow of obedience in the 21st century”. In all, there were 8 brothers in attendance. The guest speaker on the topic was Bro. Fabian Bezel. In his report on their weekend encounter experience, Bros. Fidelis and Nimorious quoted the guest speaker as having said that:

“…..Obedience, from a Latin word “obau-diere” which means to listen intently, to open one’s ears, to heed in practice.” Obedience is an attitude of attentiveness and responsiveness to the call. There are three levels of obedience: Physiological, Social and Rational. In Religious Obedience, the main objective of the vow of obedience is to be in the fullest possible union with the will of God. The effect of the vow is to incorporate all that the religious does into the search for and living out of God’s will in which consist all holiness.

Psychologists point out that the vow of obedience is better lived to its perfection by religious who have reached a certain degree of personal maturity and integrity. They assert that the vow of obedience is meant for the strong, those who can control, master and direct their will; people who can use their judgment with objectivity and prudence. They noted that; the weak – willed, the submissive, those who cannot owe and make options, and those who cannot take responsibility over their decisions will have difficulty living the vow of obedience.

Some models of obedience are: Jesus Christ (Jn. 4:34, 5:30, and 6:38), The Blessed Virgin Mary (Lk. 1:26 ff). CHALLENGES OF OBEDIENCE: Vertical approach; in the past superiors were seen as people holding the place of God and to obey them was to be obedient to the will of God. Superiors were authoritative in their leadership and lord over people. The results are legalism, rigidity, manipulation, mistrust, dictatorship. CURRENT PERCEPTION: Following the second Vatican council, 1965 which among other things called for a radical transformation of consecrated life. Authority in religious life is perceived now to be horizontal instead of vertical. The new vision of religious obedience therefore emphasizes on Dialogue, equally, co-responsibility and subsidiary”.


In circular letter No. 5 issued in April, 2014 it was reported that, the major construction works on the new story building of St. Louis Community had been completed with finishing touches ongoing. This activity is still currently ongoing as the contractor has not been able to meet set deadline of handing over. Whatever that is causing the delay, he is expected to complete the project and hand it over before the close of August, 2014 in view of the workshop and common retreat slated to take place in St. Louis early September.

Extension of St. Louis Community Dinning Hall

In view of our long term plan to host most of our meetings and retreats in St. Louis Community in order to cut down costs, it was found necessary to extend the dining hall of the community. Construction work of this extension project is far advanced and is expected to be completed by the close of August, 2014 in readiness for the September common retreat. We hope the FIC Bernardus Building Company Ltd. would keep this deadline in mind and work diligently to complete and hand over the building on schedule.


Experience shows that the lack of openness about sexuality greatly hampers addressing problems

linked to our sexuality. We need to create an atmosphere in which we can dialogue about these very human problems. Sexual misconduct is present everywhere in this world, as international studies indicate. Religious communities may not expect to be immune to these practices. Therefore, to enhance awareness of our responsibility among the brothers and co-workers with regard to the children that are entrusted to our care, the 2012 General Chapter charged the present  General Council as well as Provincial Councils to organize a workshop(s) for the brothers and preferably co-workers about sexual abuse. The content of such a workshop should include among other things the following:

i. Explanation about sexual abuse (to include definition of associated terminologies)

ii. Attention for the consequences for victim, perpetrator and the community.

iii. How to avoid sexual abuse of minors

iv. How to detect abuse.

v. Procedures to follow and act on in the event of occurrence of sex abuse, in accordance with national legislations.

It is hoped that the profits of this/these workshops would culminate with a designed of “Rules of Conduct to avoid sexual abuse” in all places where brothers and co-workers have regular contact with minors.

It is against this background that the Provincial Council is organizing a workshop on avoiding sex abuse of minors for all FIC brothers in the province. It is expected that all brothers will make time to attend. The workshop is scheduled for Saturday, 6Th September, 2014 at St. Louis Community- Wa to precede our common FIC annual retreat. Rev. Fr. Benjamin Fiiriter would facilitate this workshop.


Provincial Councillors and the PC Secretary will have their annual retreat at Goaso Pastoral Centre from 1st – 7th August, 2014.

The common retreat for all Brothers will take place at the St. Louis Community-Wa from 7th September to 13th September, 2014. The theme chosen for these days of reflection is “Living up to the challenges of the evangelical councils in our present time” The retreat would be facilitated by Rev. Fr. Cletus Kulah, Rector of St. Victor’s Major Seminary in Tamale. Brothers, who intend to participate in this retreat and have not yet registered, are reminded to immediately register with the Provincial Secretary to facilitate better planning.


It is heartwarming to report here that, Bros. Alexander K. Koomson and Linus Delle Tuoriyelle have successfully completed their 2nd year of Novitiate following their successful completion of a year-long study of theology at the Pastoral and Social Institute (PSI) in Wa. They graduated on the 29th June, 2014 and have since then, returned to their base community, Kaleo where they live with their Novice Master. The two have applied to be allowed to make their first profession. Following due process, the PC has approved of their request. They would thus make their first profession on 13Th September, 2014 in St. Louis Chapel at the end of our annual common retreat.

First appointment Novices to be professed.

As indicated elsewhere in this circular, Bro. Linus Delle T. is posted to join Damongo annex community at Bole. He will take up teaching apostolate at St. Kizito Technical Institute at Bole whilst at the same time engage in private studies to improve on some of his SSCE papers in view of future studies.

Bro. Alexander K. Koomson on his part is posted to St. Vincent De Paul Community – Tamale. He will initially spend his first year to prepare himself for SSCE as soon as possible in view of studies in the near future. He will at the same time help out in the community in whatever way his studies schedule would permit him.

FIC Ghana golden jubilee in 2015

The Brothers FIC arrived in Ghana in 1965. In 2015 the Congregation will be 50 years old in the country. At the same time, the Brothers FIC as a Congregation would have been 175 years old since its birth in 1840 by our founders Msgr. Louis Rutten and Bro. Bernardus Hoecken. These events are significant worthy of note and celebration. We wish to celebrate them in a simple and humble way within our financial means yet at the same time make an impact in our current contexts and society in which we find ourselves.

Whiles we plan for these special events, we would need to bear in mind that year 2015 is also a busy year for us as Province since we host the 2015 FIC General Conference and if possible our provincial conference. There will be many brother visitors from other provinces around the globe in our midst during that time together with many other important local dignitaries who would join us to mark this occasion.

To have a simple and successful celebration yet at the same time make the desired impact, it is critical to plan ahead of time. This explains the need for a five man jubilee planning committee to plan the entire Jubilee celebration, working out the nitty-gritties involved, organize and coordinate all the activities of the celebration to ensure that it comes out successfully.

The Jubilee planning committee is comprised of Bros. Jos Van Dinther, Gracious Sangber-Dery, Patrick Binneh, Fabian Bezel and Fidelis Gyiire. We recognize that all these brothers have busy schedules yet, they avail themselves readily to help out in times of need like this. We thank them for their self-sacrifice and hope that they would work diligently in the execution of their mandate as contained in the committee’s terms of reference. The success of their task hinges not only on collaboration but also on synergy of efforts. Therefore, we wish to call on all brothers to willingly avail yourselves to help out in whatever way possible when the committee calls on you.

FIC Jubilee School in Nandom

Resolution 15 of 2012 provincial chapter on income generation ventures mandates the current Provincial Council to properly acquire the parcel of land for the brothers lying opposite the Nandom Hospital and..…establish a business venture on that piece of land. Furthermore, resolution 16 enjoins the PC to evaluate the viability of the St. Louis Educational Complex and if found feasible, extend the concept to at least one of our existing communities in Ghana.

It is in pursuance of these chapter directives that the PC in consultation with the Local Councils have decided to establish an FIC Jubilee School in Nandom on the said parcel of land. The proposed project is also to mark the golden jubilee celebration of the presence of the Brothers FIC in Ghana in November, 2015. We think marking an important event like this, would be incomplete without evaluating our past activities, to identify our successes, weaknesses and the way forward. Although our apostolic educational concentration over the past 49years has always been to bring quality and affordable education to the less privileged in society, we think that this vision and mission is not yet accomplished. There are still many settlements in some of our rural areas and even in some towns like Nandom, in which, access to good basic education still remains a major challenge.

Therefore, the establishment of the FIC Jubilee school in Nandom is intended to address some of the social inequalities in the area by way of improving access to education, provision of quality and affordable basic education, reduce school dropout rate and at the same time, make the area attractive to many professionals who otherwise would decline posting to the area for reason of unavailability of good basic schools for the education of their wards. The project is estimated to cost about GHc 770,000 and would comprise a 2 storey building with 16 classrooms, 2 offices, 6 toilets (water closets) and 2 staff common rooms.

Giving the limited time we have available coupled with the price hikes of goods and services in the country, we cannot afford to wait until we get all the needed funds to commence work. Whiles we are combing efforts with Bro. Albert to source donor funding for the project, we have instructed the contractor (FIC Bernardus Company Ltd) to commence work at site. So far the land has been cleared, borehole drilled, foundation dug and cast.  


This year, two Aspirants namely: Cletus Saanuu and Collins Aserbire Atariwa-am applied for consideration to start their Pre-Novitiate this year at the end of the senior aspirants contact days which took place from 10th – 13th April, 2014. The PC in its June, 2014 meeting considered their applications alongside with all other recommendations and admitted them to start their Pre-Novitiate on 10th October, 2014 in St. Vincent De Pual Community - Tamale.

Born 4th March, 1989 Mr. Cletus Saanuu hails from Ko – Tom. He is currently 25 years old. He completed Baptist University College in Kumasi in May/June, 2013 and holds a Diploma in Business Studies (DBS). Mr. Cletus is currently teaching Science and ICT at Tom Junior High School (JHS).

Collins Aserbire Atariwa-am on the other hand, comes from Bongo in the Navrongo-Bolgatanga Diocese. Born on 9th November, 1985 he is about 29 years old now. Collins holds a Diploma in Community Development from the Community Development College in Kumasi. Since his completion of studies in 2011, he has worked with Fumbisi District Assembly as Assistant Community Development Officer. He is currently with Rural Aid an NGO based in Bolgatanga.

For the year-long accompaniment of the Pre-Novices, Bro. Alptio Kog has been appointed for this task. This appointment is for three (3) years and takes effect from 1st September, 2014. We wish to thank Bro. Alpitio for his availability and readiness to help out in situations like this.


Given the rise in cost of goods and services as a result of increase in fuel price several times this year, it has become necessary to make some upward review of the accommodation charges of our guest house to ensure maintainability and sustainability. The reviews are as follows:

o Priests and Religious - GHc 23.00

o Non – Priests and Religious - GHc 30.00

The above new charges took effect from 1st June, 2014.

We are happy to inform you that for year 2013, a total of GHc 7,000.00 was declared as income from the operations of the guest house compared with GHc 3,948.20 accrued in 2012. We are grateful to Bro. Peter C. Kuuniabom for the good work he is doing for the province.


In the previous circular letter, you were informed that Bros Martinus – Our General Superior and Guido – A General Councilor, provisionally had planned to visit Ghana Province from 21Th April – 22Nd May, 2014. Unfortunately, this planned visit failed because of circumstances beyond their control. To this end and as was hinted earlier; the visitation would still come off from 22nd September – 31st October, 2014. All brothers of the province are expected to avail themselves for this important congregational exercise. By this circular letter, we wish our visitors once again, a warm welcome to our Province and hope that they would have a pleasant experience during their 6 weeks visitation among us.


We join hands in praying for the peaceful repose of the souls of our deceased relatives and loved ones. Since the issue of the last circular letter, many brothers have been bereaved and we prayerfully joined them in their grief of loss. Let us also remember to pray for the Mothers of Bros. Gregory Tang, Peter Agbozo, Francis Sarfo and our many other friends and relatives who have left this earthly dwelling recently. Trusting in the promised resurrection, we pray with trust that, their souls would find rest with the Lord, their creator.


It is our hope that the information contained in this circular letter provides sufficient information to keep all brothers of the province posted with what is alive in the province. We wish to thank you all for the cooperation and understanding accorded us so far in the discharge of our mandate. We encourage you to continue in your individual and collective ways to intensify in your efforts to keep your apostolates running in the best way possible in-spite of the many challenges that confronts you daily. May the Lord who calls and missions, continue to bless each of us in our apostolic efforts and communal living.


Br. Seregeous Dery

Provincial Superior

(On behalf of the Provincial Council)

30 – 07 - 2014

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