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26.11.2019 19:11:22 9409x read.



On Wednesday, November 20, 2019, in a beautifully decorated Church of St. Cecilia’s Parish, Wa, Br. Nimorious Ganee Dery took the bold step to commit himself perpetually to Religious Life through our noble congregation. The ceremony took place in the context of a pontifical mass presided over by His Grace Most Rev. Richard Kuuia Baawobr, Bishop of Wa. The celebration was also graced by other well-meaning friends and family members of Br. Nimorious and the brothers. The theme for the celebration was FEED MY SHEEP selected by Br. Nimo himself.


The Provincial Superior, Bro. Seregeous Dery, affectionately welcomed His Grace Most Rev. Richard Kuuia Baawobr, Monsignorie present; Very Rev. Fr. Justin Bongne, Parish Priest of St.Cecelia’s Parish and all Priests present; He went on to welcome General superiors, Provincial Superiors, representatives of the various religious men and women present; Heads of both Government and NGOs; the Parents, Relatives and Friends and Co- workers of Br. Nimorious, not forgetting the Choir- St.Cecilia’s Parish-Wa and fellow Brothers from the various FIC communities.


A brief overview of the candidate, Bro Nimorious, was certain. In this regard, the Provincial Superior mentioned that Bro Nimo is a 37 year son and last born of Mr Jacob Ganee and Madam Luciana Mwintome, both of blessed memory. He began his primary and basic education between 1991-1999. His secondary and professional education were in St.Michael Senior High.( Formally Nandom Secondary school) and St. John Bosco Teacher Training college- Navrongo, from 2002-2006. Br. Nimo started his Pre-Novitiate in Malawi Province in East Africa, from 2009; and subsequently made his first profession in Wa, Ghana in September 2012. He combined his heavy apostolic work with academic studies when he pursued and obtained a Bachelor of Arts Degree course in English and a Certificate course of ‘Safe guarding of minors’ in 2017. Today, Br Nimo stands gallantly for a conscious public declaration to God of one’s perpetual self-offering for God’s kingdom.

In His homily, Bishop Richard invited Br. Nimo to share his choice of the theme and the readings. Br. Nimo in response said he took so much inspiration from the mission entrusted to Peter by Jesus to tender and shepherd Christ’s flock. In a similar fashion he sees himself as being called and missioned by Jesus to tender and shepherd His sheep. Br. Nimo went further to say that to be able to carry out this mission of Christ effectively he has to stay true to himself and be realistic about the events around him. The Bishop, in his homily, also exhorted him to be opened to the dictates of the Holy Spirit, allowing himself to be transformed inwardly. The Bishop also emphasized that attached to every call is a mission and the missionary aspect of the call should be taken seriously.


After the Eucharist, Br. Nimo was given a bit of time to express his gratitude to the congregation in a tag of a vote of thanks. He affectionately thanked all present, with particular reference to his parents formatters, fellow brothers and friends, co-workers, etc for their various roles played in bringing this succeed into reality. He expressed his wish for the Lord to guide all in all their efforts.


After the mass, all present were cordially invited to In-Service-Training-Center for refreshment and entertainment. In the forecourts of ISTC, our guests were treated to a very good local music and dance coupled with some food and drink to take.

In summary, it was a very colorful ceremony that brought together good scores of people: fellow brothers, priests and religious in and around Wa, parents and relatives of Br. Nimo and the choir of St. Cecilia’s Parish. It was a memorable day particularly for Br. Nimo for having taken such a bold decision in his life.

Br Amatus Taalo (FIC)

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