13.07.2023 21:43:30 3289x read. GHANA BROTHER FIC GHANA PROVINCE OPENING OF FIC JOURNEY TO SPIRITUAL ENRICHMENT ON THE 11TH JULY, 2023 IN ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY BROTHER FIC GHANA PROVINCE OPENING OF FIC JOURNEY TO SPIRITUAL ENRICHMENT ON THE 11TH JULY, 2023 IN ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY Theme: Called Together and Sent to be the Bearer of Good News in a Joyful Life (Deepening Our Identity And Mission As Brothers FIC) On Tuesday, 11th July, 2023 FIC Ghana Province officially marked the beginning of the 2023/2024 FIC Journey to Spiritual Enrichment in the contest of a prayer service under the theme: Called Together and Sent to be the Bearer of Good News in a joyful life (Deepening Our Identity and Mission as Brothers FIC). In attendance were the brothers of the Provincial House, Kaleo Community, St. Louis Community and Avellinus Janssens Community. The prayers service for the commission of the participants was held in St. Louis Chapel, Wa. The participants on the FIC Journey to Spiritual Enrichment from Ghana Province include Brothers Edmond Mopuure, Jonas Porekuu, Callistus Yengdeme, Prosper Ganye, and Elijah Abugri. The Province’s Coordinator of the FIC Journey to Spiritual Enrichment, Br. Didas Tuogomo warmly welcomed all the brothers to this special opening prayer service. He welcomed in a special way the Provincial Superior and his councilors, the house Superiors of the participants of FIC Spiritual Journey and Brothers Edmond Mopuuro, Jonas Porekuu, Callistus Yengdeme, Prosper Ganye, and Elijah Abugri who were privileged to be chosen to represent Ghana province on this journey. The Provincial Superior, Br. Seregeous Dery in line with The General Chapter 2018 resolution to the General Council to continue with a congregational program on continuing spiritual formation, such as the FIC Journey to Spiritual Enrichment, commissioned participants embarking on this journey. The brothers present at the commissioning ceremony encouraged the participants to make the best out of the exercises to enhance their vocations. It was a delightful occasion to behold. By Br. Irenius Nimbare, FIC