GENERAL COUNCIL F.I.C. - Prins Bisschopsingel 22, 6211 JX Maastricht, The Netherlands  Phone: *31 (0) 43 3508373
Wednesday, October 16 2024  - 1 User Online  

11.10.2024 15:36:50 56x read.
Report the fourth day of Provincial Chapter 2024.

Report the fourth day of Provincial Chapter 2024.

 On the last day of the Provincial Chapter we began with morning prayer led by  Bro. Eustachius Ekowijayanto. In the morning session, the moderator invited the provincial chapter participants to make the final review of the proposals and then vote them.  We discussed them seriously and we were happy with the final versión of the proposals. After the coffee break we continued with the review of the Chapter Message. The participants realized that this message must be meaningful for all brothers, management teams and lay collaborators of our schools.

Before closing, our moderator, Mrs. Sandra took time to convey her impressions and messages during the chapter. Almost all the brothers gave their impressions and brief messages in a very positive way, highlighting brotherhood and good organization. Subsequently, Bro. Marcelo delivered the results of the online evaluation, which was very satisfactory. Then Bro. Lucio Torres officially closed the 2024 Provincial Chapter. And finally, Bro. Eustachius Ekowijayanto performed the closing prayer. The corresponding photos were then taken to end the fraternal lunch.

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