GENERAL COUNCIL F.I.C. - Prins Bisschopsingel 22, 6211 JX Maastricht, The Netherlands  Phone: *31 (0) 43 3508373
Wednesday, October 16 2024  - 1 User Online  

11.10.2024 15:25:43 49x read.
Report the 3rd day Chile Provincial Chapter -2024

Report the 3rd day Chile Provincial Chapter -2024

 This morning we had breakfast together at 08.30 AM. And then at 09:30, we began the session with a prayer. Bro. Patricio led this prayer with the theme “Sustained by God”. Then in the morning session we entered the ninth block.  In this sesión our moderator asked us to discuss the proposals we had. We need time to review, to make some correction in order to make more understandable and clearer.

After coffee break, we entered the sesión for the tenth block. In this block, we enter the real election of the new Provincial Council. This is a very important activity. Therefore, before we began the activity we had a special prayer to ask God grace and strenth. Bro. Marcelo led us in this prayer. In the first step, with silence we began to elect Provincial Superior. After voting it was clear that Bro. Lucio was elected as Provincial Superior for the period 2024-2027 (three years). The second vote, we elected Provincial Council. And the new members of the Provincial Council 2024-2027 are Bro. Javier Solis Urbano and Bro. Eustachius Ekowijayanto. The Provincial chapter elected Bro. Javier Solis as a Vicar. We were happy and satisified with this result and pray that they can serve the brothers and people according to the will of God and inspired by the resolutions of the General Chapter and Chile Provincial Chapter.

(L-R: Bros. Javier Solis U., Lucio Torres, and Eustachius Ekowijayanto)

After lunch, we entered the eleventh block. The moderator invited us to enter the presentation of the proposals of the Provincial Chapter. We have had good dialogue and deliberation about these proposals. We ended the session with a prayer service with communion led by Bro. Patricio.


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