30.04.2018 01:01:42 11331x read. CHILE First Session of the Provincial Chapter FIC Chile 2018. FIRST SESSION OF THE PROVINCIAL CHAPTER FIC CHILE 2018. Buin, 5, 6 and 7 of April. Motto: "Called and sent to meet life"
On Thursday, April 5, with the motto "Called and sent to the encounter of life" the Provincial Superior, Brother Diego Izquierdo, opened the Provincial Chapter 2018 in Chile. The prayer is directed by Br. Javier Solís . He lit a candle, a thoughtful gift from the Carmelite Sisters.
In the afternoon the capitulars appointed Brothers Krismanto and Hector Rojas as tellers. Brother Eko is elected as secretary. Fr. Sergio Pérez de Arce is appointed as Moderator and Brothers Marcelo, Lucio and Diego are confirmed in the Agenda Committee. In the second block in the afternoon Fr. Sergio invites the Brothers to reflect on the question: What do we expect from this Chapter? And what is the role we have as capitulars? The Brothers shared their opinions positivity. The first day ended with a Eucharist presided over by Father Sergio, our moderator. Second day The morning prayer is directed by Brother Luis Muñoz. As the moderator could not attend, the provincial assumes the moderation and invites the brothers to reflect on several texts as a background for the different topics that will be analyzed and discussed: 1. The icon of visitation as an inspiration of our consecrated life. 2. El artículo Preferential Option for the poor by Sr. Mercedes Casas Sánchez. President of CLAR. 3. Identity and mission of the religious brother in the Church. 4. Conclusions and recommendations of the FIC Apostolic Congress in Salatiga-Indonesia. Then the capitulars give a first look at the contents of the Chapter. They examine a variety of topics previously chosen by the brothers and agreed upon in the communities. Then we are invited to work in two groups, taking as reference the material prepared by the agenda committee. Each group shared their reflection giving an account of the topics with some consensus. Finally, the capitulars reached consensus on three issues: 1. Future and present of the Province in Chile 2. Apostolate 3. Revitalization of our religious being The agenda committee was left with the task of formulating the contents of each topic with the mayor consensus to be submitted to a vote. During a second moment of the afternoon, the capitulars worked on a first approach to the election of the delegate for the General Chapter. The procedure for the election of the delegate and the substitute to the General Chapter is established. Each capitular writes two important characteristics for a delegate. In a plenary session we share the characteristics that a brother of our province must have to represent us in the General Chapter. Then a first written survey is made indicating the names of two brothers. This survey is read and the moderator requests the brothers who were appointed.to express their availability to be delegated. We finished the second day of our chapter sessions by celebrating a liturgy a fraternal way and full of symbols to encounter the Lord of life in the middle of our Provincial Chapter. Third day The last day of our first chapter session began with the prayer led by Brother Patricio Guentelican, which focused on the call the Lord made to us and the response we gave through the Evangelical Councils on the day of our first religious profession. Next, the brother delegate to the General Chapter was elected for the GC in the Netherlands during the month of August. Bro. EkoWijayanto was elected as delegate and as replacement Br. Javier Solís. The election was concluded with thanks and applause for the availability of both brothers. Then we proceeded to vote on the contents of each chapter topic. Each brother voted on the following topics: * Future and present of the Province in Chile * Apostolate * Revitalization of our religious being Then the first session of the chapter was evaluated in written form. But also each brother expressed his feelings orally. The word "Thank you" was repeated many times, thanks for the meeting, listening, accepting and loving each other. After this, the agenda commission informed about the form of work that will be used until the next session in July. Moderator Br. Diego Izquierdo Gallego announced that the Fundación Creemos y Esperamos assumes the administration of the two schools in Talca and that the board is composed by brother Lucio Torres, Marcelo Sandoval, Javier Solis, Diego Izquierdo and Gerardo van Vugt. Brother, Marcelo Sandoval and Diego Izquierdo are going to be legal representatives of San Antonio school and of High School Luis Rutten. The first session of the Chapter ended with the prayer led by Brother Marcelo Sandoval and a fraternity lunch celebrating the birthday of Brother Javier Solís. |