GENERAL COUNCIL F.I.C. - Prins Bisschopsingel 22, 6211 JX Maastricht, The Netherlands  Phone: *31 (0) 43 3508373
Wednesday, October 16 2024  - 1 User Online  

10.10.2024 01:43:53 79x read.
Day 2 of the Provincial Chapter of Chile. (By: Bro. Yohanes Krismanto)

Day 2 of the Provincial Chapter of Chile. (By: Bro. Yohanes Krismanto)

On the second day of the session, Oct. 8, 2024, we began together with an opening prayer. Brother Gé van Vugh led the prayer with a theme of thanksgiving. After the prayer, Mrs. Sandra, our moderator, invited us to listen to the group’s conclusions regarding care policies for elderly and/or sick brothers. Everything was very fluid and dialogued. 


After the break, we were invited to reflect in two groups of brothers to discuss, search for, and propose a Provincial Superior and two counsellors for 2024-2027. To begin this session, Bro. Marcelo Sandoval led a special prayer. Then we went to plenary. Some of the names chosen were Bro. Lucio Torres Martin, Bro. Javier Solis Urbano, and Bro. Eustachius Ekowidjayanto. The second option was Bro. Diego Izquierdo Gallego, Bro. Javier Solis Urbano, and Bro. Eustachius Ekowidjayanto.

After lunch, Mrs. Sandra invited us to do a short exercise. Then, we continued analysing our province's proposals in accordance with those of the General Chapter. This event was tiring because of the time needed to discuss and adapt to provincial policy. Finally, everyone was able to modify the proposals in their wording or otherwise. The event ended with a Eucharistic celebration and dinner in a quiet and fraternal atmosphere.

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