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11.02.2025 08:25:44 459x read.
A Symphony of Voices: The Dance of the General Chapter FIC 2024

A Symphony of Voices:

The Dance of the General Chapter FIC 2024

(Bro. Eustachius Robert Eko Wijayanto - Chile)

The recent experience at the General Chapter of the Brothers of the Immaculate Conception in Wa-Ghana has been significant and revealing. Throughout this gathering, vital issues for the community were explored, fostering a renewed sense of unity and purpose. Despite the challenges, participants found opportunities for personal and collective growth, highlighting the importance of collaboration and active listening. This Chapter has not only left its mark on the brothers' lives, but has also strengthened their commitment to the values that unite them in their mission.

  1. Expectations and Nerves

The anticipation leading to the General Chapter was palpable. I knew the event would bring together members worldwide, pose challenges, and provide opportunities for our community's future. With each pre-meeting, I felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness. I reflected on the realities of our respective provinces and the role each of us plays in it. The preparation was logistical and an exercise of introspection, study, teamwork, and listening, where every opinion counted. I also recognised my limitations in my use of the English language, which caused me some trepidation. Still, I was determined to overcome these obstacles and participate fully in the discussions.

  1. A Transformative Encounter

Once in Ghana, the atmosphere was charged with energy and unity. Seeing so many brothers gathered with a common purpose filled me with hope, challenge and enthusiasm. The dialogue sessions were intense but also profoundly enriching. Sharing our experiences and listening to the voices of others allowed me to appreciate the diversity of our Chapter. Through discussions on different themes and inspired by the theme 'Renewing our Consecrated Life and Mission in the Spirit of Synodality,' it became evident that our differences were a source of strength.

Each day began with a prayer, a reminder that we were there not just as individuals but as part of something greater. The shared reflections touched on themes that resonated in my heart, for example, the importance of inclusion, the need to adapt to the times, and the commitment to be agents of change in our provinces. The spirit of synodality made everybody feel recognised, valued and heard. The quality of the meeting was remarkable, providing an atmosphere of friendliness, closeness, brotherhood and collaboration.

  1. Sharing Dreams and Visions

Despite the decline in membership of the Congregation and the increase in senior brothers in each province, the Chapter demonstrated an impressive capacity to dream and plan collectively. Discussions on the future of our apostolic mission in today's world were inspiring and showed a firm commitment to the Congregation's mission and vision.

  1. Reflections and Commitments

When I returned home, the impact of the General Chapter was still alive in me. The decisions and commitments at Wa-Ghana were not mere words but calls to action. Reflecting on the discussions, I realised that the real work was just beginning. We must carry forward the vision and ideals that emerged from this meeting. I commit to returning these lessons to my community, fostering collaboration, and working on projects that reflect our priorities.

The experiences shared in Ghana reminded me that the path to transformation is not easy but essential. Each of us has the power to be an agent of change in our communities and provinces. By communicating my feelings and experiences, I aim to inspire others to do the same, creating a cycle of dialogue and action that will enrich our Chapter.

  1. Conclusion

The General Chapter in Wa-Ghana was an enriching and meaningful experience. The dedication and collaborative spirit of all participants overcame challenges. The quality of the meeting and the brothers' willingness to accept responsibilities testify to our Congregation's continued vigour and vitality.

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