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Saturday, March 29 2025  - 1 User Online  

15.09.2015 01:01:11 19683x read.
Bro. Bernard Hoecken-"Some Interesting Items".

P R E F A C E.
When some years ago the autobiography of Mgr. Rutten had appeared as supplements to ‘News from the Generalate’, we were asked by several brothers if it would not be possible to publish something about Bro. Bernardus as well. At that time we wrote among others that we were quite willing to do so, but then the question arose: what and how?
As there are quite a number of documents in our archives for which Bro. Bernardus is responsible and other documents from the first period of the congregation, we finally decided to use these for a publication on our co-founder.
The result of this was of course not a life-history of Bro. Bernardus. We only gave a number of more or less loose quotations which all have some connection with Bro. Bernardus and which all make us better acquainted with the man to whom the congregation owes so much.
We gave the quotations without any comment. We did so on purpose leaving to the readers whatever conclusion they wanted to draw from them.


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