21.08.2014 14:31:29 704x read.
Opening Address Congregational Conference 2014.
Malawi, August 19-29, 2014
Dear brothers,
With a deep sense of joy and gratitude, on behalf of the other members of the General Council, I wish to wholeheartedly welcome you all to this Congregational Conference 2014, taking place here in the small but beautiful province of Malawi, the warm heart of Africa. By this time I hope everyone of you has been able to enjoy a good rest after travelling from some parts of the world, and is now ready to start the conference. Furthermore I do hope that everybody is feeling at home under the hospitality and loving care of our fellow brothers here in Malawi.
These days we are gathering here in Malawi as leaders of the province and congregation to share and discuss the common issues we are dealing with. This inter-provincial gathering is for us a good opportunity to feel and experience the beauty of being international community of the Brothers FIC. We are different in many aspect of life yet united in the same spirit of FIC brotherhood. We thanks the Malawi Province for having prepared and arranged everything necessary to make us possible to have this conference. We understand that the brothers in this province is not many in number but they are ready to receive and entertain us. Therefore I would like to give this province an high appreciation.
This gathering has been known as Congregational Conference (Con-Con) , officially it is a forum of the General Council and Provincial Superiors, meant to evaluate, re-assess and eventually adapt congregational policy as established by the General Chapter (Cong Statute art. 32). This is the second congregational conference organized by the present General Council. The first was in Denekamp, The Netherlands, in 2013 last year, when we at the same time organized the leadership workshop.
This Con-con 2014 is in fact a continuation of the Con-Con 2013, in the sense that issues to be discussed in this gathering are mostly the same as that of the last Con-con. In this way we want to see what have been done and still to be done especially in connection with the resolutions of the Chapter. The main focus of discussion therefore will be some resolutions of the General Chapter 2012. They are among others proposals of formation, avoiding sexual abuse of minors, reflective documents on our Constitutions, and FIC Journey for spiritual enrichment.
Structure of the Conference
Our conference is scheduled for nine working days only, running from today, August 19th to Friday, August 29th, of which is divided into two parts. The first part will be a deepening part on our leadership function, and the second part will the business meeting on issues related to the resolutions of the Chapter and the latest development of the Congregation in general and provinces in particular.
The deepening part is occupying the first three days of the Conference. In these days we are going to reflect on our role as leaders of the Congregation following the example of Jesus Christ who came to serve and not to be served. Our idea is to be leaders with the spirit of serving, being a servant leader of the Congregation and Province.
The second part is the business meeting proper in which we are going to share with one another the latest development of the province including the joys and worries we experience in our struggle to accomplish the mission of the Congregation/Province. We also want to see how far we have carried out the resolutions of the Chapter and some related issues. And finally we also need to move forward by making concrete plan for the years to come.
Aside from what have been said earlier, the General Council has reserved time in the evening for special meeting with individual Provincial Superior. Based on our experience this kind of individual meeting has been very meaningful for both General Council and Provincial Superior. This type of meeting gives us a space to discuss specific issues of the province which are not included in the agenda of the conference.
175th Anniversary of the Congregation
In this conference I would like to draw our special attention to the jubilee year of the Congregation. Next year, in 2015, the Congregation is reaching its 175th anniversary. I think it is proper and right that we make 2015 a jubilee year of the Congregation where we can express our sense of gratitude to God who calls and continues protecting us. At the same time this is also an opportunity for us to thank the people who continue to support the mission of the Congregation. We suggest that each province is thinking of the way to celebrate this event in a moderate but meaningful in accordance with the situation of the province. There will be a special session in this conference to exchange ideas on the matter so as to help us find the best way to celebrate this significant event of the Congregation.
Dear brothers, I consider this conference an international event of the Congregation which is supposed to bear abundant fruit for the whole Congregation. Through formal and informal interactions we wish to receive and give mutual support, inspiration, and encouragement. Further I believe that this type of meeting will be away to help us become more aware of our call to serve the Congregation, and to carry out the call accordingly. I hope the spirit of love and service continue to grow in us following the example of Jesus himself who said that he had not come to be served but to serve.
To conclude, trusting in God’s guidance and the protection of Mary our mother of Immaculate the patroness of our Congregation, I declare the FIC Congregational Conference 2014, which is taking place here in Blantyre-Malawi, officially opened.
Blantyre, 19 August 2014
Bro. Martin Handoko
General Superior