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23.11.2014 02:40:36 1296x read.



 Opening Address - OASIS  2014.



“I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full” (John 10:10).

Dear sisters and brothers,

We have just heard  the reading from the Holy Gospel of John chapter 10 which is telling us that Jesus is the gate. Anyone who enters through  Him will be safe; moreover Jesus also says that He has come so that we (all of us) may have life and have it to the full.  The question is then : “What does it mean “to have life to the full/abundantly?” : and “How can we have life to the full?”

When we are talking about having life to the full (abundantly), some people are right away thinking of having physical prosperity or becoming rich and having good health and happy life. In the past this verse had been used as a description of the Christian life, the normative pattern of life that Christian can expect because of following Jesus Christ.  In light of the whole context of John Chapter 10,  I think this verse is not referring to the physical prosperity but rather to the spiritual prosperity. Therefore this passage should not be used as though it gives some promise of an improved physical life for Christian. Instead, the passage is promising superabundant spiritual life, which is life empowered by  the indwelling of Jesus Christ. When we believe that Jesus is the only gate for our salvation (I am the gate), means that  Jesus lives within us, so we have the riches of His superabundant life, life to the full.

Once upon a time there was a young man who was not happy with his life. He felt so tired of many things in his life. This young man went to a spiritual master asking the way to have a better life. To his surprise the master gave him a very simple advice. He said: ’Take time to stop today, take time to stop a while, to look back now on yesterday and to ponder on all you have achieved; recognized the strength you have gained and the blessings you have received”.

I personally belief that our life as religious is  in fact a spiritual journey.  Religious life is a faith and spiritually based way of life. We become a religious and  continue to be faithful with our commitment as religious because of our spiritual motivations and determination. Without spiritual motivations we will consider religious life as an abnormal way of living. Therefore unless we continue nurturing our spiritual life we will not be bearing abundant fruit and growing  prosperously  as religious.


Today we are here to embark on a stage of OASIS. It is part of the whole program of FIC  Journey to Spiritual Enrichment. The ultimate goal of this journey is  also to make possible for the participants  to have life abundantly. The program is just a way and means to achieve this goal.

The term OASIS in geography  is referring to an isolated area of vegetation in a desert.  It is commonly known as the place of living water,  the place where vegetation, animals and human beings receive what they need for life. The water of the OASIS creates growth in the trees and vegetation around it.  These trees and vegetation in turn provide shade and food for the travelers passing by. The OASIS also provides a welcome rest for those travelling in the desert. It provides a place to stop, to nourish the body and soul and to renew strength and insight for the way ahead.

At the OASIS, apart from getting water that gives life, travelers  are encountering one another in a very special way. They are all people on a journey. They share stories of their journey and learn from one another’s experiences. Despite the fact that OASIS is a restful and enjoyable place to stay, however you will not stay in an OASIS for long. You have to  carry on with the journey. You bring with you the gifts and insights of the encounter at the OASIS which inform the next phases of the path.

The OASIS encounter we are starting today has a similar function as the OASIS in the desert. The participants of this OASIS encounter have been travelling along the way, since they entered into the Congregation. They have been living and working tirelessly for the sake of the Kingdom and the people. They must have been tired, even some of them may have been extremely tired. Therefore during this four weeks’ encounter I hope that you as participants are able to experience what the travelers in the desert do, namely to Rest,  Refresh, Rediscover and to Regain energy of life.  OASIS is the place where people are to stop and to regain energy for the continuation of the  journey. Imagine that Jesus is waiting for you while saying:”Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest”(Mt 11:28)  It is my hope that all participants, through the whole process of the encounter,  will finally be able to see and to feel the presence of God in their lives.  In connection with this, we remember the message of the General Chapter 2012,  that God-experience is the fundament of our being religious.

I believe that all participants are keen on making this program as fruitful as possible.  Therefore active participation and maintaining a supportive and conducive atmosphere throughout the program is surely necessary to achieve the maximum benefit of the program.


Dear brothers, I consider this OASIS Encounter  a rich blessing event of our Congregation which is supposed to bear abundant fruit for those involved and  for the whole Congregation. This encounter is a way of continuing our religious formation. Our vocation requires us to continue developing our spiritual growth. Through the formal and informal interactions we wish to receive and give mutual support, inspiration and encouragement. And next to this  we hope that we become more and more aware of our call to grow towards Jesus and to make the best we can of our lives (Const. art. 1 and 4).

Let us make this congregational event a life-deepening encounter and entrust it under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the loving protection of our Immaculate Mother.

To conclude allow me to read for you a  well-known  poem entitle:

Steps to Happiness

Everybody knows:

you can’t be all things to all people

 you can’t do all things at once

 you can’t do all things equally well

 your humanity is showing just like everyone else’s


So:       You have to find out who you are, and be that

            You have to decide what come first, and do that

            You have to discover your strengths, and use them    

            You have to learn not to compete with others

            Because no one else is in  the contest of being you.


Therefore dare to believe:

 that you are a wonderful, unique person,

that you are a once-in-all-history event,

that it’s more than a right, it’s your duty, to be who you are,

that life is not a problem to solve, but a gift to cherish,

and you will be able to stay one up on what used to get you down.



(Author Unknown)


Dear brothers,

I wish you all participants of this OASIS gathering a fruitful and successful encounter. May God bless you abundantly that your life will continue to grow to the fullest.


Wahlwiller, 20 November 2014



Bro. Martin Handoko

General Superior

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