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17.04.2015 15:03:52 782x read.
"Accept me as I am, I am growing and changing".

“Accept me as I am, I am growing and changing”.
It is very famous quote that for me is very remarkable, “The world is changing, things never stay the same”. The constantly is merely the changing itself. Now our world is changing all the time, and in order to change ourselves, we need to ease into and embrace the constantly changing. Those that are most comfortable with change for change’s sake will adapt better to the future. We can only get good at change by trying to do it, in small ways,on purpose. In other world, we have to try and break our patterns and build new habits around them, constantly, because that’s how tha world now works. Let it go.
Human being is a part of the world. Human being live and life in the world. We as human being are growing and changing until the end of our life. So if there is statement, “I am who I am! I wouldn’t change a thing”, to me it is very debatable or controversial. No one can stop the changing of the world, even the changing  of ourselves. Life itself isn’t static. There is many possiblities to change. From time to time we are changing. Let us observe our own daily life from the early morning until the end of the day before we go to bed! We take one part of our personalities, that is our emotional. Our feeling or our emotional is changing from time to time. In the early morning when we wake up, maybe we feel cheerful because of the new day with the sun shine, after that maybe we were angry because our wife do not prepare properly our breakfast, and than maybe we are happy because in the office we get the certain job that we like that very much, etc. In short, I’d like to say that we are not in the static situation.
“I am who I am”
One of the famous humanistic philosophers, Heidegger, said that I become I because of you and you become you because of me. I am not you and you are not I. Every individual is unique. I couldn’t be compared to the other person. In this context, I am fully agree that I am who I am. I am not who you are. So as long as the statement “I am who I am” connect to the identity of the individual, that statement is true. We should recognize and accept ourselves as who we are.
I fully agree that I am who I am. I accept myself as who I am and hopefully others will accept me in the  same way. But we should consider that we as human being always in changing. Our personality is growing and developing to be a mature person, a happy person. It doesn’t mean that I accept “I am who I am” in a static situation. I am growing and changing. 
I don’t want to be like other person. I don’t want just to imitate the personality of the others. We are all want to be ourselves. Just to be myself according to what we have to be, what should we do, what do we have and how do we behave based on our own potentialities. We can learn from the others but we couldn’t become like others. We can follow the examples of the others, but we couldn’t be and do like the others completely. The best thing is try to discover who you truly are and fully give every aspect of your uniqueness to the surrounding of you. Find your true self and try authentically express yourselves. But we should aware that we are changing. Who we are ten years ago, even one week ago, indeed one day ago is different with who are we right now.
I wouldn’t change a thing!
Most people try to stay in their “comfort zone”, for instance in their high position in their office, with their close friends, with their surrounding, etc. For the people who try to keep their “comfort zone”, it is challenge very much to change to the different situation and condition, especially if it is not adjustment yet. It could be happen also to those people who are very easy to feel satisfy with what have they done, what they have been, and what have they had. They don’t want to do more. They don’t want to do the risky thing that make they lost of their achievement. But, we have to be aware that life itself is full of risk. Even if we do nothing, there is a possibility to have something happened to us, negatively or positively. 
The statement, “I wouldn’t change a thing”, to me only true in connecting with our essential personality. Just to give you examples, if we born naturally as man we don’t need to transfer to become woman, and the opposite. We are human being, don’t need to change ourselves to become animal. Our personality type is extrovert, we cannot change as  introvert person.
Some years ago, I had conversation with my friend and he said that he wouldn’t change a thing regarding to his personality. It means that I have to accept him with any condition. I don’t want to, because he had a certain habitual that I don’t like, very hard to me to accept and I know that he did not want to change to be better person. I had opinion that he lazy to do hard struggle to continue his journey to be better person.  I am very sure that everyone has time and chance to be a better person, to be theirselves, but also try to make the other person to be a better person as well as themselves.
I’ve changed a lot in my life, but it’s not because I’m special. I just created special circumstances. I believe whatever I want is usually easier to get than I think, as long as I am willing to adapt and do what is necessary. Change is a skill I can learn, as long as I have the guts to actually do it.
Let it go
The possibility to let the thing change is let them go. When we say, I am who I am, it means that we try to let ourselves grow and change. We can also say, let it be! Don’t be stuck in certain thing, let always moving and changing, to be better and better in everything we can be and do. (theo)

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